Chapter 8 || The Start-of-School Relay Pt 2

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Annabeth Chase, August 29, 12:00 PM

"Thank God it's lunch time," I whispered to myself as I grabbed a tray.

All the thinking this morning with the academic portion of the relay really took a toll on me. But, after lunch, the scores and rankings would be posted, and Percy and I would have a better idea of how we were doing in the relay.

Percy and I. I shivered. We sound gross as a team.

I glanced around to see everyone sitting with their partners, eyeing one another with challenging stares. 

What is up with everyone? I spotted the sports team table, but everyone was split-up.

"Competition," Leo said from my right. "Goode kids aren't nasty, but when it comes to competition, they can get pretty intense. They only trust their allies, which are their partners, so that's why we usually sit with our partners during game week."

I glanced at Percy, who was at the end of the line. Ugh, I have to sit with THAT moron? I shrugged, grabbing my food and searching for a place to sit down. Soon, Percy sat down next to me and we both sat in awkward silence.

"Good job," I blurted out.

He raised an eyebrow. "Nicest thing you've ever said to me."

"So, I win in the nice-ness challenge," I retorted.

"Oh, and you're back to normal." Percy rolled his eyes. "Your hair is not frizzy. There. We're even again. Wait, also, I like your hoodie. Now, I'm winning."

"You aren't dumb," I shot back. "And I like your shoes! I'm winning."

"You didn't even say a compliment," Percy said with a smirk. "'You aren't dumb' is a fact, Chase. Can you really not find anything else to compliment me on?"

Well, I could comment about how you're absolutely AMAZING at soccer, or how you are SO FUCKING HOT, but that would expose me, wouldn't it, and you could hold that against me for the rest of my high school career, and you have access to my home, so I'd rather not, I thought. I immediately looked away from him as my cheeks began to flush. Fuck, Annabeth! Why are you so stupid?! YOU HATE HIM! STOP BLUSHING! YOU HATE HIM! HE'S UGLY!

"There aren't any other compliments to give," I replied as tartly as possible. "Though, I could congratulate you on not failing the academics portion."

"As if I'd fail," Percy scoffed. "The teachers give me good grades even if I haven't actually done the homework."

I raised an eyebrow. "How is that so?"

"It's hard to ignore this beautiful face." Percy smiled slyly.

"You're joking." I gagged. "You're not seducing teachers--"

"No, I'm not!" Percy laughed hysterically. "You... haha... you should've seen the look on your face! You're hilarious, you know that?"

"Is that supposed to be your flirting technique?" I bit back before taking a deep breath.

Remember, Annabeth. Temporary truce. Temporary truce. You're his co-captain, his partner right now, his classmate, and HE FUCKING LIVES IN YOUR HOUSE SO SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I glanced behind him and almost rolled my eyes again when I saw a pair of girls eye-raping him like he was snack. I could practically hear them now, going: "oh, he's so hot," and "oh, I want to fuck with him." Like, grow up! Ew. Love is for hopeless people.

"We should warm up," I said, shoving the scraps of my food into the trash. "Maybe you should smile and blind all the girls with your teeth. It'll knock out half our competition."

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