Chapter 19 || Shut Up And Dance With Me

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Hazel Levesque, October 3, 7:00 PM

When we got to the gym, I was stunned by how amazing the entire area looked. I had to admit, a mafia-boss theme was quite interesting, and people were actually following the theme, because it wasn't such a terrible one.

"Oh, hi, Hazel!"

I almost jumped in surprise. A girl, Amanda, who was from my class, was waving to me.

"You look great in that dress!" she said cheerfully before being dragged away by another one of her friends.

"T-Thanks!" I called after her, probably too quiet for her to hear. I turned to Frank. "Damn. People scare me."

I noticed that my arm was around his and I quickly looked for an excuse to let go and save myself from the embarrassment. "Uh... Wanna go get some candy? You know, before we hit the dance floor?"

Frank shrugged. "Sure. Laffy Taffy?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Sour Patch."

He smirked. "Sour Skittles."

"Regular Skittles."


"Hershey Kisses." I stared at him. "What was that conversation?"

Suddenly, we were shoved aside by a rather rude Matilda. "MOVE! YOUR FUTURE QUEEN IS COMING THROUGH!" Her face softened upon seeing Piper. "Piper, honey!"

I cringed as I saw the folds of her buttcheeks poking out from under her "dress."

"What part of the school dress code did she not understand?" Frank hissed to me.

"I can't believe Piper's friends with that rude bitch," I scoffed. I immediately covered my mouth. "Oh my God, that was so mean!"

Frank put a reassuring arm on my shoulder. "Don't feel bad. She deserves it."

"Excuse us," Percy said, winking at both me and Frank as Calypso led the way.

Matilda glared at her as she walked by, Percy's hand in hers. "Who is that bitch and why does she have her hands all over Percy?"

"She's his date," Piper said, rolling her eyes.

Matilda scoffed, fanning out her fingers. "Whatevs. He just wants to fuck her."

"Excuse us." Leo and Annabeth were making their way to the Photo Booth.

"Maybe we should get to the snack bar and get out of everyone's way," Frank suggested, grinning.

I linked my arm into his and tried to act nonchalant about it. "Let's."

Jason Grace, October 3, 7:15 PM

After meeting Piper's friends, they all headed to the dance floor, dragging me along. Listen, I love Piper and all--wait, WHAT?! DID I JUST ADMIT THAT?! I looked at her. She was dancing like a queen, feeling up the space like she owned it. Okay, maybe I like her. A lot. But her friends are bullshit.

I mean, she has other friends like Annabeth, who is literally the exact opposite of Matilda. Or, she's got friends like Hazel, who is also the exact opposite of Matilda, yet the opposite of Annabeth as well... I glanced around. So, Piper had friends that were the exact opposite of her other friends and her friends, and--this is confusing.

"Jason!" she cheered, grabbing my hands. "Stop spacing out, Sparky!"

"Sparky?" I questioned, jumping along with her.

"Your eyes look electric in the light," she explained, smiling. "So you're Sparky."

"Well, thanks a lot, Beauty Queen."

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