Chapter 32 || The Seven Idiots

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Piper McLean, October 16, 3:30 PM

I came back to the house to see Percy and Annabeth's cars back where they belonged. After a week of being absent, I'd assumed they had to come back anyway. If I was honest, I didn't want to stay mad at either one of them, but I was still mad at Percy for our fight last week and mad at Annabeth for not calling me or texting me when I had clearly stood up for her. It wasn't like her to go MIA like that. It was the same case for Percy. I knew how loyal the two of them were and it was conflicting to know that they both abandoned us and each other so quickly.

I glanced to my right as Jason's car rolled into the driveway. I rolled my eyes. He had been backing Percy the entire time, saying that it was his right. Sure, it was, but my mother bear instincts hadn't worn off. I still stuck with Annabeth. And perhaps, having Percy Jackson, regardless of the fact that he was the most wanted boy in school, as a friend, made me feel protective and possessive of him, too. I didn't want him kissing a hoe after he kissed the perfect girl. It wasn't my place to make decisions for him, but I wanted it to be.

But Jason had argued with me. And I get he can have his own opinions and he doesn't have to agree with everything I say all the fucking time, but it's not very gentleman-like. I suppose we were all being pretty immature. Even Frank and Hazel got sick of all the fighting and simultaneously exploded at us for being such idiots.

Whatever romance was brewing between me and Jason was gone after that.

Hazel and Frank were so lucky. Even if they were loners and not popular like me, Percy, or Annabeth, they always had each other. It was like they never split. And it was slightly frustrating to me. At this point, even Leo seemed more lucky than me. He got with Calypso, which surprised me, if I was honest. Calypso might've been a hoe in my eyes, but in his eyes, she was some Snow White and he was a Huntsman or something. And the apple seemed to be Percy.

Which was ironic because Percy hated apples.

I placed a hand on the doorknob, sighing. I wanted my best friends back. It hadn't been too long since I'd met all of them, but they were easily better friends than anyone I'd ever met.

Once I pushed the front door open, I was not ready for the surprise waiting for me.

The entire house was decorated. Our living room wasn't boring. For fucking once! The couch was still a white cloud couch, but there were pillows decorating them, so colorful, yet demure. The coffee table had been replaced by a gorgeous wood-carved one, a faint silver shimmer along the lines of wood. There were sports, fashion, and music magazines lined up on the surface, along with the remote and some video game controllers.

And the grand touch to the previously-blank walls? A huge, framed bulletin board. The frame resembled a cloud, almost. Pinned to the cork board were pictures of us. For friends who had only met a couple months ago, we sure had a lot of photos.

There was one of Percy and Annabeth on the soccer field, high-fiving after a supposed victory. Their cheeks were both flushed and they both had the biggest grins on their faces. And there was the photo of all of us on Jason's stage after he performed at the talent show with his guitar. We were all dressed up like Harry Styles with feather boas hanging over our necks. And there was another photo from our campfire, where we had roasted marshmallows and Frank lit his stick on fire. Jason had laughed as Frank dunked the whole thing in the pool to get the flames out.

All our photos were pinned on the massive board, which hadn't been filled all the way yet. Only a small corner had been taken up. On the other side, there were little lists, such as our grocery list, bucket lists, and cute momentos.

"Wow..." I breathed.

But nothing would prepare me for the sight in front of me. For, on the couch, the two devils themselves were lounging in corresponding graffiti hoodies, laughing and rolling their eyes. Percy and Annabeth. AND THEY WEREN'T FUCKING FIGHTING.

"What the actual fuck?" Jason asked behind me.

I tensed. I hadn't been around Jason for a while, which made me slightly confused as to where we stood. Percy and Annabeth both looked at us, a knowing smile on their faces. Ugh, I hate when they do that! 

"I think it's time you two stop ignoring each other," Percy said, raising an eyebrow. "Please. I know I'm awesome, but I'm not worth putting your relationship in jeopardy."

Annabeth glared at him. "As if you're the awesome one. I'm the awesome one." She smiled. "But I agree with Percy. Jiper's worth too much."

"J-Jiper?" I stuttered, unsure of what to say.

"You know what she means," Percy said, winking.

"Wait, don't switch the subject!" I stuck a finger at them. "You two aren't fighting anymore?"

"A quick lakeside visit fixed that," Annabeth replied, shrugging. "We're cool now. No biggie."

No biggie? Yeah, call going missing for a week 'no biggie'. "Wait, so are you guys dating or not?" I asked warily.

"Nah," Percy said immediately. "You think I can put up with her for that long?"

"As if!" Annabeth scoffed. "You'd drive me insane and I'd poison my coffee to get away from you!"

"You don't even drink coffee," Percy retorted. "Shut up."

"Okay, enough with our shit," Annabeth said, shooting him a glare. "Piper. Jason. Stop whatever you're doing and make out already."

"What?" Jason spluttered.

"KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!" Percy and Annabeth began to chant.

"Guys!" I exclaimed, flushed.

"Who is kissing down there?!" Hazel called.

I glanced at the stairs as Frank and Hazel ran down, confused looks on their faces. They tensed upon seeing me and Jason and almost fell off the stairs when they saw Percy and Annabeth sitting next to each other on the couch.

"JIPER! JIPER! JIPER!" Annabeth and Percy started to chant afterward, doing a weird shoulder-shrug dance on the couch. "JIPER! JIPER! JIPER!"

I turned to see that Hazel and Frank had joined in, smirking. They seemed to get the message and apparently they weren't too mad after all. I turned to Jason, who turned to me, his electric blue eyes sparkling. His pupils were crazy dilated as he gazed into my eyes and I could feel my own pupils expanding into the size of black holes. Because I wanted to suck his entire soul into mine and kiss his brains out.

Before he could say anything, I snatched his face and planted my lips on his. Ten seconds. Just ten seconds of pure bliss and kissing. His lips moving in sync with mine, sparks flying, his scent filling my senses and clouding every sane part of my body.


I broke the kiss and glanced to see Leo's head peeking through our front door, which I had foolishly forgotten to lock. We all stared at him, flabbergasted. He marched in like a king in a parade.


He seized all of us in a group hug and we all launched ourselves at Percy and Annabeth, who shrieked as they joined the embrace.

"We're seven fucking idiots, that's what we are," Hazel wheezed. "Leo, your hugs are too tight!"

Leo laughed. "No, they're not."

"The Seven Idiots, back together," Frank chuckled. "What could be better?"

"NOTHING!" Leo squealed, hugging us all tighter. 

And I swore I passed out or something because I was just smiling like an idiot until he finally let go.

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