Chapter 18 || This Is Our Big Night

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Piper McLean, October 3, 5:00 PM

I hopped out of the shower and began to dry my hair. I was serious now. I turned the A/C up and let the cool air hit my steamed skin. Damn, it felt good. When it comes to dances, I never joke around. I had put my name on the ballot for Homecoming Queen and many other fashionistas did, too. So, if I was competing for beauty, it was serious business.

Once my hair was dry, I took a look at my inspirational pics. I definitely wanted to accentuate my layers, but no curls. Curls were never flattering around my face. I grabbed a boar-bristled brush and my hairdryer, beginning to start my blow-out routine. My arms were sore by the time I finished, but it was all worth it.

A few fresh fruit cubes sat on my table and I ate some, feeling the refreshing watermelon slide down my throat. Yes, I was fancy and had to have every fruit in cubes, but it did feel nice to be lavish for once. After hair, I started makeup.

"Piper?" Hazel's quiet voice called from behind the door.

I secured my bathrobe. "Come in, Hazel!"

She peeked through the door, slightly overwhelmed by all of my efforts. "Um... is now a good time?"

"Oh, yes, it is!" I dabbed the concealer under my eyes. "What is it that you needed?"

"I was just wondering if you had a straightener I could borrow?" Hazel smiled hopefully. "I know I don't usually change my hair much, but I've never--ooh!"

I dropped all my makeup and immediately raced to her hair. "Don't be ridiculous, darling. I know you love Frank and want to make a good impression. So, I will make you beautiful. I'm probably gonna have to fix Annabeth as well."

Hazel stared at me as I began to straighten her hair, piece by piece. "Oh. Thank you. Will it look good--"

"Please, Hazel. You'll look good in Frank's eyes either way." I smirked at her reddened cheeks.

"I--" Hazel started, but I silenced her.

"I understand where your heart lies." I winked and finished her hair. "Do you like it?"

She did look really good with straightened hair. She had these golden highlights that anyone would die to have naturally. And they were just that much prettier now that it was straight and you could see them.

"Oh... it looks great." Hazel bit her lip. "Very different."

"But you look stunning." I smiled. "Now, feel free to use any of my makeup. We're friends now, Hazel."

She smiled and brought her own makeup bag in. "That's okay. I've got some. But I don't suppose you'd mind if I got ready with you?"

I squealed in excitement. "Oh. Em. Gee! I'm kidnaping Annabeth!"

Annabeth Chase, October 3, 5:30 PM

See, I don't really get ready until the last moment. And I get it, looking beautiful for your Homecoming dance is great, especially when you lost a bet with your soccer team and had to put your name on the ballot for Homecoming Queen, but it was tiring. And I was a pretty lazy person.

"ANNABETH!" Piper. Oh shit.

Before I even knew it, she was dragging me out of my room with my dress and makeup in her hands.

"Piper, the fuck?" I struggled against her. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME?!"

She plopped me down on the edge of her bed and closed the door behind her. I glanced over at... Hazel? She was putting on some shimmery, pink-toned lipstick in Piper's vanity mirror, which just made her golden eyeshadow and golden eyes pop. Her skin was flawless and her hair was straight. And it looked good straight!

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