2. Gorgeous

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spidermonkey8888 thank you for the request, I hope you like the spin i'm putting on it!


Aislynn woke between a pair of gorgeous brothers. Not her own brothers heavens, she wasnt Targaryen. But the Cody brothers.

Aislynn delicately climbed over Craig, her feet landing on the ground. She looked around for her dress in the slow growing sunlight to no luck. She heard a little whistle from behind her and looked back at the bed.

Baz held up her dress a smirk on his lips. She walked naked with complete confidence back to him. A smile on her lips she kissed him before plucking her dress from his hand.

Aislynn whispered a goodbye before heading out. She made it back to her home in old town, just a short walk away from Baz's place, just in time for her little brother Finn to come barreling down the stairs.

He was talking a million words a minute and she couldn't understand a word he was saying but he was so excited about some thing. She nodded along as she fixed him breakfast. Finally he was out of breath and plopped on the chair immediately began shoveling food into his mouth. Oh to be young again.

Aislynn wasnt old. She just felt it some days. She was on the cusp of 22. She wasn't old, she wasn't young but considering her little sister who the moment she turned 15 was married off to rhe King and was already pregnant... again. Aislynn felt like an old maid already. She didn't want to get married and she liked the life she had. She liked who she kept in her bed and she kept in her life.

Otto, her father on the other hand was not happy with her rejecting all the men he sent her way all the suitors. And if she couldn't scare them off her brothers did. That was a nice thing about having protective brothers if she wanted a man gone they made sure he was gone.

The Cody brothers had been a big part of the Hightowers crew for as long as Aislynn could remember.

Smurf their mother was always fond of Otto Hightower but he did not share his children's love of rule breaking and thievery. So he tried to stay clear of them, Otto being hand kept him in the capital and away from the Cody's trouble, his own childrens trouble. But it didn't stop Aislynn from finding her way towards the brothers the gorgeous brothers.

The oldest brother Baz was 30. He was wed and had a kid but that didn't stop him from finding his way into Aislynns bed Chambers. Next was Andrew Pope. He was the do-gooder. He wanted to make everyone happy which most recently meant taking the fall for something his brothers did And got him locked up in the cell but since Alicent was now Queen Aislynn assured them she could get him out.

Craig was the most like her brothers which is probably what drew her to him. He liked to drink he liked to smoke he liked to party. He was the life of the party until aislynn got there that is.

Daren was their Ocean Man. Him and Craig were most similar but a few years younger he was closest to Aislynns age. He was the most like a brother to her. Also the only one of the brothers that hadnt found his way into her bed.

Lastly was Josh. Everyone called him Jay. Aislynn was the only one to call him Joshua. He was their nephew but he quickly became an honorary brother. Aislynn had hoped Jay being 16 would end up with Alicent. Alicent was always smitten with him and Aislynn understood why.

Arthur although the eldest Hightower was not the boss. That was definitely tommy. He made the plans he mapped out the areas they were hitting. He was the brains. Art and Craig liked to get stoned and drunk after a big mission. While Tommy and Baz were onto planning the next job.

John only a few years older than Aislynn was still the sweetheart of the hightower brothers. Aislynn hoped Finn would be most like John when he grew up. Didnt want to have to worry about finn getting into trouble. Even though john was good at trouble.

Aislynns mother, Catarina had died giving birth to finn so aislynn had raised him and Alicent. She had been responsible for years when she was younger, now was the time to live, to love.

"You hear about the trouble at the step stones?" Arthur questioned.

"I did, I was thinking we visit." Aislynn agreed. Daren pushed through the door stealing her tea and pressing a kiss to her cheek with a wink. "What do you think D?" Aislynn questioned. "Up for an adventure?"

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now