21. Look Bad

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 In the morning, Aislynn woke first, she was always up first, usually because of crying children in need of her. She lifted her head from Craig's chest. One of his hands rested on top of hers pressed to his chest next to her head. His other hand ... it was resting on her ass ... on the inside of her panties.

She wasn't sure when it laid claim to that spot, but she kinda liked it. That was a lie. She kinda loved it. If she was going to Hell, she wanted to go there with Craig's hands all over her, his lips on hers, and his dirty words in her ear.

"Morning gorgeous." Craig whispered kissing her neck and shoulder, Aislynn's head tipped to the side giving him more room. 

"MAMA!" Luci declared. 

"Damn," Craig whispered. "I like them little and stuck in their cribs.'' he mused. 

"Luci loves her big girl bed." Aislynn countered. "And I should probably be up." She murmured pulling on her robe as Lucinda came running into the room. 

"Mama I found you!" Luci declared. 

"You found me!" AIslynn had been a mother to her younger siblings for as long as she could remember but this, being an actual mother, holding them in her womb and feeding them at her breast. She loved raising Finn and Alicent but they were grown and her babies needed her constantly, it was nice to be needed. 

"Luci, love!" Aislynn cooed spinning her around. Luci snuggled up beside her. Aislynn smiled stroking her frizzy hair down, an untamable mane, she looked to Craig past her daughter. 

Being with Aislynn is like the buzz you get while drunk, the high of these herbs the brothers were always smoking, being with her was like flying high up in the clouds... and look at Craig now, this smile Aislynn gave him, the way she reached out for him, it was like being drunk but he was completely sober. He knew what this feeling was, drunk in love with AIslynn, he was so in love with Aislynn. 

"Lets go get something to eat, Aemond is probably up with auntie Ali." Aislynn remarked. Luci nodded eagerly. She squirmed out of Aislynn's arms when she saw Aemond. Aemond beamed back at her waving wildly. 

Craig wrapped an arm around Aislynn kissing her cheek before pulling out a chair for her. Daren and Laenor were sat side by side, laughs on their lips. 

"Morning, Laeny." Aislynn purred. 

"My beautiful wife!" Laenor declared, he got up from Daren's side and ran to peck Aislynn's cheek. Aislynn did love Laenor, he was sweet and kind and so funny. She loved how good he was with the children, loved how well he got along with her brothers and the Cody's.

"This is wonderful, all of us together." Alicent remarked smiling back at FInn. "I didnt see you when we got in, I miss you." 

"I was with... a girl." Finn whispered. "She is so beautiful and funny and smart and... shes perfect." Finn said dreamily. Aislynn reached out ruffling his hair. He swatted her hand away. 

"You think you can pry yourself away from your new girl long enough to see your big sister?" Alicent questioned. Finn nodded as she shoveled food onto his plate. "Thank you." 

"So is he going to name a new heir yet?" Aislynn blurted out. Pope chuckled as he took a seat. She reached out a hand stroking his cheek as if he was a child, Aislynn loved taking care of her boys and he leaned into her touch. 

Alicent rolled her eyes.

"He is being humiliated by her." Aislynn added pouring some juice for Luci and Aaron. Laenor glanced between them as he lifted his own cup. 

"I know." Alicent assured. Aislynn stabbed her fork into her eggs, yolk oozed onto the plate. 

"She is making us look bad." AIslynn added. 

"I know." Alicent added. Corlys and Otto were coming back from a meeting, Otto had become a trusted confidant and advisor over the years. They stopped at the doors, shared a knowing look before entering. The king would try and fail at protecting his daughter, there was no protecting Rhaenyra. She messed up and house Velaryon and Hightower came out on top.

"You my darling sister she makes you look bad as well, and you never look bad."

"I know!" Alicent agreed through an exasperated breath.

Aislynn knew realistically it was stupid for the Targaryens to marry outside of their own blood because that would mean that they were claiming another house equal to their own. Aislynn of course thought that House Hightower was equal to Targaryen, equal to kings and queens of old because, hello, she was Hightower. But if she was queen, she didn't know that she would allow another house to hold such power. Marrying Alicent made house Hightower equal in a sense to house Targaryen. Made the idea of Aegon being the true heir even more relevant, even more possible, because he was Viserys true heir. Rhaenyra was a whore. 

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now