5. Good Graces

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Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen out now!
Can't catch me now/ Severus snape out now! 
King of the world/ Roose bolton out now!

The throne room was filled, whispered voices echoed Daemon's name. Viserys stood ready to reprimand his brother.

"He's going to be an idiot and forgive him." Aislynn whispered.

"Hush." Otto begged.

"He is. Because thats what men are. Idiotic." Aislynn added, Otto grumbled looking to her. "I'm sorry did you want me to lie?"

"Aislynn my dear, I love you but you make me want to bash my head into the wall." Otto informed her.

"You should have done that before you tricked the king into marrying Alicent." Aislynn remarked.

"Are you ever going to let that go?" Otto countered aggressively.

Daemon walked forward with confidence though, the kings guard unsheathed their swords ready to attack, to protect their king. A crown on Daemon's head he threw down his sword before them.

"Never. because Ali, my sweet little Ali's life is ruined because you wanted power." Aislynn hissed.

"Aislynn." Otto begged.

'Add it to the chair.' Daemon offered it clattered before Viserys as the crowd murmured with anticipation.

'You wear a crown.' Viserys noted. 'Do you also call yourself "King"?' he sneered

'Once we smashed the Triarchy, they named me "King of the Narrow Sea." Daemon informed him and the crowd murmured again, Daemon was no king. Everyone knew of his reputation. 'But I know that there is only one true king, Your Grace.' Daemon assured. 'My crown and the Step stones... are yours.'

"How generous, Viserys is going to open his arms and say brother welcome back, let me turn around so you can stab me in the back tomorrow." Aislynn muttered. But daemon needed to stay in viserys good graces for this plan to work. She didnt know how long the brothers could go before at each others throats. She needed a back up plan

"Please stop." Otto begged.

'Well, where is Lord Corlys?' Viserys questioned hesitantly, Daemon was not one to bend the knee willingly.

'He sailed home to Driftmark.' Daemon told him

'Who holds the Step stones?' Viserys countered

'The tides... the crabs, and 2,000 dead Triarchy corsairs, staked to the sand to warn those who might follow.' Daemon informed him. Viserys got closer to him and the crowd held its breath.

"Wait for it, I'm right and I should have put money on it." Aislynn muttered.

'Rise.' Viserys said hugging Daemon as he rose and the crowd applauded, there would not be war, but peace. 'The realm owes you a great debt, brother. Come. This is our chance...'

"You get the pride of knowing you were right not a prize." Otto remarked as he headed out.

"I prefer prizes but what good is pride if I can't boast about it?" Aislynn called after him.


'Daemon, he would venture off, abroad, winning tournaments...'

'No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.' Daemon said immediately a smile on his face. Winning back into his brothers good graces.

'I will not revisit this debate. You were always mother's favorite.' Viserys told him. 'No, it's no great mystery. You were.' Viserys assured 'Our mother, she had no regard for custom or tradition, rules. And I, sadly, was no great warrior.'

"I'm sure you have other redeeming qualities." Aislynn offered and viserys chuckled out while Daemon cocked his head to her.

"Little hightower." Daemon remarked "So good to see you again. I see you havent lost your tongue."

"Little Targaryen... you see you saying little is a compliment, I work on my figure," She ran a hand over the bodice of her dress. "but... no one likes a little dragon." Aislynn rasped in his ear. He licked as his lips as she pulled back.

"Want to go on a dragon hunt Aislynn? You find he is not lacking in size." Daemon countered with a mischievous grin.

"You are married daemon." Viserys reminded.

"I am married... whats the harm in a talk?" Daemon countered. He winked back at her.

"You couldnt handle Aislynn." Viserys murmured and Aislynn laughed out.

"He's right, you couldnt." Aislynn agreed. "Its cute that you know that... brother." She remarked patting viserys arm.

'Congratulations on your victory.' Rhaenyra said walking up to her family and the hightower monsters.

'Thank you, Princess.' Daemon said kindly.

'Perhaps Prince Daemon would care for a tour of the gallery? He hasn't yet seen the new tapestries gifted to you by Norvos and Qohor.' Alicent offered

'Oh, oh. Would you like to see the tapestries?' Viserys questioned and the siblings burst out laughing.

"I will take that as a no." Aislynn added looking to Alicent. "Clearly not a man of the finer things."

'He has no interest in such things.' Viserys agreed. Alicent was trying to be kind, she didnt know much about Daemon. Him and Viserys were aloof and distant and half the time exiled brother. She was just offering but now their out burst at what a ludacris thought that was made her go silent. Alicent leaned into Aislynn as she wrapped an arm around her little sister.

'I'd like to see them.' Rhaenyra said, for she had been gone on her royal tour of looking for a suitor for many moons.

'Oh, well, then you should not deprive yourself.' Viserys told her bitterly. He wasn't happy about her early return with no husband to be. Otto however was thrilled that Aislynns union was underway and his sons had not tried to kill Harwin yet.

'I shall enjoy them alone.' Rhaenyra said heading off.

'More wine. As I said, you were the favorite.' Viserys went on happily

'No, you were. You were. I insist.' Daemon mused. Aislyn rolled her eyes as she headed off.

'I surmise the tour did not go well.' Alicent said walking over to Rhaenyra as she sat along on a bench staring at the gardens.

'I endured it for as long as I could.' Rhaenyra told her stiffly.

'To have every young knight and lord in the Seven Kingdoms fawning over you... What misery. It is rare for girls in this realm to get a choice between two suitors, no less two score of them.' Alicent reminded her.

'Those men and boys don't fawn over me. They only want my name and my Valyrian blood for their offspring.' Rhaenyra corrected

'I think it's rather romantic.' Alicent offered a gentle smile on her face.

'How romantic it must be to get imprisoned in a castle and made to squeeze out heirs.' Rhaenyra heard it as she said and looked over at Alicent with a pinched gaze. 'Sorry.' She murmured 'How angry is he?'

'The King went through great effort to arrange your tour. He is... frustrated. But I am glad you are home.' Alicent told her 'I find I have... few friends lately. I like to believe I'm still the Lady Alicent, but... all anyone sees when they look at me now is "The Queen." Alicent told her as Rhaenyra grabbed Alicent's hand. "I have Aislynn but she will be wed soon starting a family of her own." Alicent looked to Rhaenyra cautiously.

'I've missed you, too.' Rhaenyra offered. Again Aislynn rolled her eyes. Rhaenyra would stab alicent in the back and aislynn would pick up the pieces.

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now