14. Cold Feet

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"Bahaha!" Aislynn laughed out. "They went home licking their wounds!" 

"I dont want Aegon married to Rhaenyra." ALicent corrected. 

"That will never come to pass, Rhaenyra will fuck up before Aegon is of age." Aislynn assured. 

"Lets not talk about Rhaenyra, lets talk about you! this is your wedding day, Lynnie!"  Alicent reminded her. 

"That it is." Aislynn agreed. 

"He's handsome." Alicent remarked as she helped Aislynn get ready. "Laenor."

"He is, thats a nice bonus." Aislynn agreed.

"Does your marriage mean..." Craig questioned without questioning it out loud.

"Quite the opposite. It means more." Aislynn assured and Craig smirked. "Get Daren."

"Tossing me aside for my brother already?" Craig mused.

"Tell him to check on Laenor, make sure he isnt getting cold feet." Aislynn corrected.

"Right, right I'm on it." Craig agreed.

"No shit, we should go sailing." Laenor remarked. "I mean if you are staying at driftmark, are you?"

"Aislynn is like family, I can see all the hightowers and Cody's making the trek here." Daren assured. "Aislynn is a sailer as well, well she is a lounger." Daren mused. Craig knocked peering in.

"Aislynn wanted to make sure you werent getting cold feet." Craig remarked.

"Nope, I'm ready to get married." Laenor assured.

"Good. Because Aislynn doesnt like to be kept waiting."

"Otto," Smurf Cody, the boys mother remarked coming up beside Otto. "Aislynn still getting ready?"

"She is." Otto agreed pulling his arm from her grasp. 

"You know its about time you remarried, dont you think?" Smurf purred reaching for him again.

"I have to walk Aislynn down the aisle." Otto corrected heading back up the aisle. Smurf grumbled rolling her eyes. 

"Why is your father so difficult?" She questioned Finn. Finn shrugged, glancing back at Arthur. 

"You never had a love of your life." Baz offered his mother.

"Says you." Smurf countered. 

"The four different fathers of your sons says otherwise." Pope agreed. 

"I love all my babies. And for a time I loved all your fathers." Smurf remarked. 

"Well our father loved our mum more than anything." Arthur remarked. "There was no one else, I dont think there ever will be." 

"Oh Aislynn you look gorgeous." Otto remarked. "So much like your mother." 

"Thanks daddio." Aislynn whispered flattening out her dress. "You ready?" he pressed a kiss to her temple before leading her down the aisle. 

"This is her wedding," Smurf whacked a hand over the back of Craigs head. 

"I'm admiring the bride." Craig offered. 

"With your cock hard." Smurf agreed, Craig put his hands in front of him.

"Shut up. Look at her." Craig demanded. 

"You look beautiful." Laenor remarked as Otto passed her off. 

"You clean up nice yourself," Aislynn agreed. "You ready to be Mr. Aislynn HIghtower?" she mused. 

"You arent taking my name?" He teased. Corlys cleared his throat looking between them.

"Someone is impatient." Aislynn remarked with a grin. "Dont worry future daddio, no cold feet here only cheesy jokes." 

"You signed up for this." Otto reminded him. "No take backs." 

''Let it be known that Lord Laenor of Houses Velaryon and Targaryen and Lady Aislynn of houses Hightower and Shelby are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the Words.''

'Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger.' They repeated.

'I am his.'

'I am hers'

'He is mine'

'she is mine,'' Laenor agreed with a wink. 

"They look happy." Rhaenys admitted. "I was worried but..."

"Maybe they are both good actors." Corlys agreed in a hushed tone. 

''from this day, until the end of my days.' they echoed.

'You may now cloak the bride with your protection.' 

"Blue clashes with this dress." Aislynn corrected. "Fine but I'm taking it right off. Besides any woman that needs a mans protection needs to-"

'In the presence of your family and friends," The septon went on louder and Aislynn rolled her eyes. 

"Not the time for my speech I suppose." Aislynn agreed. Laenor chuckled. 

"I liked it." Laenor whispered back. 

"I now bind your hands together, to symbolize your new union of love, trust and friendship." He bound their hands together. Aislynn stared down at their hands. 

"This feel more like a prison, I dont like it." Aislynn corrected. She had successfully killed off all unions since she was 15. Now she was agreeing to a union with a man that wouldnt ever really love her... she was getting cold feet but then saw Craig, his handsome face staring back at her. Her father would never allow a union with the Cody's she had asked and he said no. Many times. So now she got to keep them and appease her father. 

 'Now, please look at one another and pledge your vows to seal your union.''

'''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.''

''I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come.'' Then they kissed. It wasnt awful, it was nice. Normal. They would need to work on that though, Aislynn decided even just for formality sake. 

''Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim... Laenor of House Velaryon ... Aislynn of House Hightower, to be man and wife. One flesh... one heart... one soul... now and forever.'' 


"Husband." Aislynn remarked as Laenor closed their new chamber on driftmark.

"My wife." Laenor answered.

"I know your type." Aislynn admitted. "ANd I dont care but we will do our duty."

"What do you mean?" Laenor countered.

"Your preference in fuck buddies and mine are very similar." AIslynn offered and Laenor choked on his tongue. "Don't worry, i knew before you married me and I'm not upset or grossed out, but we need to get something settled before we do the deed."

"Alright." Laenor agreed cautiously.

"Here is the deal laenor. Your cock belongs to me until im pregnant. You are not allowed to fuck anyone but me. And I will show you the same courtesy. Got it? Once im pregnant we can both fuck whoever the fuck we want. Understood?"

"You are awesome." Laenor agreed.

"Give me a baby quickly so we can get on with our lives." Aislynn requested kissing him.

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now