8. Play That Card

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"Hey daddio," Aislynn remarked coming into his chambers.

"What are you still doing up?" Otto questioned. Fucking Pope Cody was not the answer he wanted to hear. She smiled coyly. 

"I should be asking you that, you are old." Aislynn teased. "Yet still handsome." Aislynn added tapping his cheek. "I was in town, the festival, I wanted to go to the festival! Took Pope and John with me, don't worry your pretty little head." Aislynn declared. "And I even got a... whats that face for?" Aislynn pondered.

"You just look more and more like your mother." Otto remarked.

"Thank you." Aislynn whispered smiling to herself before she kicked off her shoes. "Now if you wouldnt mind... Read me one of your boring stories to put me to sleep." she instructed.

Aislynn was half asleep her legs outstretched over her father's lap as she leaned into couch when there was a knock at the door. Otto lifted her legs putting them back down on the couch as he got up.

'Apologies for the late hour, my Lord."

"What is it?' Otto whispered annoyed.

'A messenger brings word from the White Worm.' Otto looked to Aislynn before snatching the scroll and closing the door. A smile curved his face, mission bad reputation phase two.

"You look busy I'm going to..." Aislynn got up.

"Probably a good idea, I..." Otto sighed.

"You want to talk about it?" Aislynn mused and Otto showed her the note. "Heavens!" Aislynn declared. "A brothel!" Mysaria worked quicky had to admire that about her. 

"I have to tell the king." Otto realized.

"It's the middle of the night, that seems like a first thing in the morning talk." Aislynn offered as she headed out, fresh in the kings mind to stew over all day and then explode.

Aislynn smiled when she saw Pope still asleep on her bed. She kicked the door closed behind her before laying down beside him. 

"Your bed is a million times nicer than a cell floor." Pope whispered into the darkness. 

"I would hope so." Aislynn agreed tracing a hand down his chest. "This scar is new." she whispered touching a scar along his rib. 

"I'm a Cody, can't go anywhere without getting a few scars, Aislynn." Pope assured. Her hands searched him for more scars and he smiled kissing her again. Eventually, their hands stilled, their bodies entwined, and their lips eased apart as they fell asleep.


'Come. What is it?'

'I apologize for the early hour, Your Grace. I have, um... discomforting news. I thought it best shared discreetly before the council convenes.' Otto told Viserys. Viserys sighed but nodded 'The Sea Snake. I'm afraid it concerns the Princess, my King.'

'Has she been harmed?'

'It is no easy thing to tell a father of his daughter's exploits. I had considered saying nothing, but...' Otto said hesitantly.

'What has she done?' Viserys demanded

'The Princess was spied last evening... beyond the walls of the Keep... in a pleasure house.' Otto told him.

'What of it?'

'She was carrying on with her uncle. They were engaged in behaviors unbecoming of a maiden... of a Princess.' Otto informed him.

'What behaviors?'

'Well, must I say it, Your Grace?'

'You enter my bedchamber, accusing my daughter of something. Now speak it... plainly.' Viserys demanded. Alicent lay in bed motionless.

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now