22. My Sword

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"How is the son?" Arthur mused. Aegon stared up at him annoyed. "Sorry, struck a nerve." 

"She's an old lady." Aegon declared. "Why would I ever want to marry her? Plus, she sleeps with the guards... do you know how many ask me if I'm fucking her? It's disgusting!" Aegon shouted. 

"Put her in her place." Arthur suggested. 


"Yes how?" Aislynn added. "Dont put bad thoughts in his head, he needs to stay our perfect little aegon."

"Am I perfect Auntie Aislynn?" Aegon questioned tipping his chin up to her. 

"Yes you are," She cooed in her baby voice reserved for Delphie. Aegon wrapped his arms around her as she stroked his hair. 

"Careful Auntie Aislynn, Daren is moving in on your man." Aegon warned seeing Daren and Laenor in the courtyard, Laenor laughed out holding onto Darens arm for support. 

"Dont worry about Laenor." Aislynn countered. 

"If I was your husband-"

"I thought girls were icky?" Aislynn countered. 

"I didnt say that." Aegon countered. 


"Just Rhaenyra." Aegon corrected. 

"Oh that makes more sense." Athur agreed. 

"So Aegon was concerned when he saw you and my husband together." Aislynn tsked. Daren smirked kissing her cheek. 

"You want me to lay off the friendship in public?" Daren pondered. 

"No, I wanted you and him to get along, I just thought it was funny that Aegon was joking about it." Aislynn corrected running her arms over Daren's arms. "Are you happy?"

"I am." Daren agreed picking her up and spinning her around. "I really am." her head tipped up to the ceiling as he spun her around.  "When did you know?" Daren questioned when he put her down. 

"I have fucked every single one of your brothers. Come on." Aislynn countered bumping her into him. "I'm me, if you werent, then- well there was no alternative. You didnt want me, it was clear."

"I do want you." Daren corrected. 

"Not as much as Craig and you had all the opportunities." Aislynn corrected. 

"No one will love you as much as Craig." Daren corrected. 

"Good point." Aislynn agreed innocently. 

"MAMA!" Aaron declared running up to them. "Uncle Daren, can we play?"

"I thought you wanted me?" Aislynn countered running her fingers through his hair. 

"Well I did..." He admitted slowly. "But uncle Daren plays with swords with me." 

"I could play with swords." Aislynn assured. Daren chuckled. "What?"

"Girls dont fight." Aaron agreed. 

"I'm just picturing you with a sword." Daren added. Aislynn pursed her lips looking between them. 

"LAENOR!" Aislynn shouted marching off. "Get me a sword."

"Aislynn-" Daren chased after her, Aaron chased after them. 

"Mama its not right! Girls dont fight." Aaron declared. 

"Girls fight dirty," Aislynn corrected. "LAENOR!" SHe barked. 

"Hey where is the fire?" Laenor questioned running his hands over Aislynn's arms. 

"I want to fight." 

"With whom?" Laenor pondered. 

"Get me a sword." 

"Who pissed you off?" Laenor countered. 

"Sword Laenor." Aislynn commanded. 

"Yes, ma'am." Laenor agreed running off. 

"What's going on?" Finn questioned. His newest conquest, a sweet little serving girl that Finn followed around like a puppy had been chasing after Finn now, followed behind him when he entered the courtyard. 

"Aislynn is a woman on a mission." Daren answered. 

"She usually is." Finn agreed. 

"Give me a sword." Aislynn held her hand out. "Aaron, I'm going to teach you a valuable lesson."

"Okay mama." Aaron agreed. 

"Woman can do anything they set their mind to. We might not be good at it at first, just like anyone, we all need practice if we want to get good. So dont say girls can't. We can. We will. We will put money on it and prove you lot wrong." Aislynn declared. Alicent clapped out from the balcony. "Thank you!" Aislynn agreed. 

"Be careful." Laenor begged. "I dont want to have to remarry." he mused. 

"What are you doing!" Craig demanded rushing into the courtyard as Laenor knocked his blade against Aislynn's. "NO!"

"I'm learning!" Aislynn corrected as Craig lifted her up, throwing her over his shoulder. She smacked his ass demanding to be put down. 

"What are you doing?" Craig pointed an accusatory finger at Laenor.

"She asked for it." Daren instead. 

"I'm learning, Craig!" Aislynn shouted. "Get a sword, you can teach me. We are playing, right Aaron? Both of us have to know what we are doing.... you already know, its my turn."

"I believe in you mommy." Aaron agreed giving her two thumbs up. 

"Well Craig?"

"My sword is the only one I want swinging your way." Craig agreed. 

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now