12. Thrones

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Love can kill /Sandor Clegane out now!

"Daddio, Laenor is a handsome man but he prefers... lets just say I'm missing some of his favorite bits." Aislynn offered. 

"You will do this Aislynn." Otto corrected. "You give him a son and go about making your teas-" Aislynn pursed her lips. 

"You know about those?" 

"Who's idea do you think it was for you to learn?" Otto countered. 

"Okay." Aislynn agreed slowly and awkwardly. She blushed sheepishly up at him. He reached out giving her shoulder a squeeze. 

"Thank you, Aislynn. You won't regret it. You can still go about your life, just give him a child or two to be proud of, be a mother, you will love your children as much as you love your siblings, more so." Otto remarked. 

"Okay daddio." Aislynn agreed. 

"Lady Aislynn." Laenor declared coming up to her. "Good to see you again." 

"You too, Laenor." Aislynn agreed kissing his cheek. "Did you hear the good news?" 

"I did, future wife." Laenor agreed but his gaze shifted to Daren. 

"This is Daren Cody, you might have met him at the step stones." Aislynn remarked. 

"Yes, nice to see you again." Daren agreed sticking out a hand. 

"He's a very close friend of the family, meaning your family now too." AIslynn remarked. "Now come on the trip from kings landing was so long!" Aislynn declared. "Food is needed and also the best spot in this place to hide away." 

"We can have food and hide away." Laenor agreed. Aislynn stopped and stared though at their throne room. 

"Wow." Aislynn whispered. 

"The throne?" Laenor pondered. "Cool right.'

"No, I mean yeah but look at all this stuff!" Aislynn declared.

"Trophy's of sort from my fathers journey, he has sailed all over the realms and beyond." Laenor remarked. "Each artifact has a story to tell." Aislynn dragged her hand gently over the frame of a portrait, the golden paint in the parchment making it shimmer with every step.

"What do you think?" Corlys whispered. 

"She seems like a lovely girl but... Laenor-"

"She is a lovely girl and they got on great. Look at them." Corlys instructed. 

"Can I sit the throne?" Aislynn questioned already moving up the steps. Daren chuckled glancing to Laenor. 

"Go for it, I wont tell father." Laenor agreed and Aislynn let her dress flare out flowing down as she took a seat. She sighed crossing one leg over the other. 

"I like it, I could get used to driftmark." Aislynn remarked laughing out as Laenor offered her a hand down. "Is that your way of saying this isnt my seat, Laenor?" 

"Three headed dragon banner heading to shores my lord," a steward remarked coming up to Rhaenys and Corlys. 

"Thank you." Corlys agreed stifly. 

"What is my cousin doing at driftmark?" Rhaenys questioned. 

"Rhaenyra fucked her uncle and now he wants a pity marriage is my guess." Corlys griped. Rhaenys glanced to Aislynn and Laenor, laughter filled the air between them.

"Marriage?" Rhaenys realized. "You just-"

"Laenor could be king to a whoring woman or to a good woman." Corlys offered. "I choose Aislynn, I made the trek to kings landing, I have had her in mind for a few moons, since she came to the step stones and commanded the men." Corlys remarked. "They get along great." 

"You always wanted Laenor or Laena on the throne." Rhaenys countered confused. 

"And now I see Viserys is foolish, Rhaenyra will be just as foolish, I would rather have our children alive then trapped by Targaryen's." Corlys hissed. Rhaenys cocked her head at him. "I am not trapped with you my love, your family is the monsters. YOu know how much I love you." he assured. 

'' Where is Lord Corlys? He should be here to receive the King.'' Lyonel demanded.

''Welcome to High Tide, Your Grace.'' Laena remarked as she came down the steps to greet them.

''What is the meaning of this, Lady Laena?"" Lyonel shouted through the rain but Viserys was too tired and too weak to deal with such nonsense today. ''Is this how House Velaryon greets its King?''

''My father has but just returned from his long journey and he has hastened to the Hall of Nine to await Your Grace's arrival.''

''Let's just get on with it.'' Viserys said marching past.

"Yes Aislynn off my throne please." Corlys instructed. "We have company." 

"who?" Laenor countered. 

"The king has come to grovel." Aislynn pondered and Corlys nodded. "I'm already set on Laenor," Aislynn remarked holding onto Laenor's arm. "I will fight a bitch for him." Laenor chuckled tipping his head into her. 

"No fighting needed." Corlys assured. "I am eager to get your union sealed." 

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now