18. Good Boy

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Watching him with her was like throwing gasoline on Craigs guts. He was afraid to breathe too hard, worried it might come out in flames. Watch Craig Cody burn it all down, motherfuckers. 

"You good?" Daren sidled up next to his big brother.

 "Not in the slightest," Craig corrected. 

"What is it today?" Daren pondered following his gaze. "Oh... You know Baz got over it, been a real husband to his wife, I think Aislynn getting married really made him realize- where are you going?" 

"To get my girl back." Craig answered. 

"She's not your girl." Daren called after him. 

"Says you." Craig hissed. He moved through the courtyard to Aislynn and Laenor, he stopped when Laenor picked her up spinning her around, the squealed with delight. 

Craig wanted to barf. But the moment laenor put Aislynn down she caught his gaze, waving him over. 

"I can't wait to tell my father." Laenor declared. 

"And mine, he will be thrilled too but I think Craig will be most excited." Aislynn remarked. 

"So thats the end of us?"  Laenor questioned. 

"For now." Aislynn agreed. "Unless I made you sway," She shifted her hips into him. 

"If any woman could it would be you." Laenor assured. "But..." he shrugged. 

"You like cock just like me." Aislynn agreed. "Craig," She purred kissing his cheek and he relaxed into her. 

"You can't give me lingering kisses like that Amoret." Craig whispered. "Now I'm hard as a rock." Aislynn's hand drifted down his chest to cup his manhood, it was certainly hard for her already. 

"Why not?" Aislynn purred as Laenor headed off. 

"Because I need you."

"Then claim me," Aislynn agreed. "I'm late. A moon late..."

"You are?" Craig had never been happier, this had been to fucking long without her.

"Kiss me the moment we are alone." Aislynn demanded. "And never stop." 

"That I can do." 

"AISLYNN!" Arthur declared. 'You did it!" 

"Not yet, got many moons but," she put a hand on her stomach. "Mini me, coming soon."

"Watch out world, another Aislynn." Pope mused. 

"To the future Velaryon- Hightower!" Corlys and Otto declared lifting their glasses high. 

"To Aislynn." laenor declared, keeping an arm around her waist. 

"To me!" Aislynn agreed clinking her glass with him. 

Craig was eager to get out of this party and bed his girl, finally. But Aislynn had to get something else sorted before her fun could really start. 

Aislynn looked to Laenor and Daren as they chatted on the balcony. Their forearms leaning on the railing, their faces close as the night covered them in darkness, the little torches providing shadows around them. 

"You gonna be a mama, mama." Finn remarked coming up to Aislynn pulling her gaze away from Laenor and Daren. 

"My baby boy, my first boy." Aislynn cooed, kissing his head. Finn, her baby brother. SHe loved him most in the world but this baby would be her real baby, of her womb. 

"Can I have another piece of cake?" finn questioned. 

"Of course, go crazy!" Aislynn agreed and he ran off. She moved to the balcony as Laenor was coming in. He pecked her cheek and a smile covered her face. Laenor was a great guy, it was really a shame that he wasnt as attracted to her, because he was sweet and sexy and strong. She turned her gaze back to Daren. 

"Daren, I... since things are... evolving with this pregnancy." Aislynn offered. "I was hoping..." she didnt know how to say it. She knew that Laenor and Daren liked each other she just wanted to give him that push, that reassurance that she was still going to love him when he revealed that he swayed. He smiled as she leaned back against the railing, her arm brushing his. 

"Darren it would be like a really big favor." Aislynn cooed

"What would?" 

"You and me and Laenor... together." Aislynn answered. 

"Fucking you and your husband?" Darren questioned. "Aislynn im not-" it was a lie. He was. But the world couldn't know that. He was concerned how aislynn knew but she had her ways.

"Oh baby I know but you are his type." She pecked at his lips. "I want him with a good guy when he's not with me and I hope that it might be you...." Daren's gaze met hers and a smile curved his lips. "For me?"

"Anything for you Aislynn." Darren agreed

"Good boy. "

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now