15. Very Targaryen

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"We celebrate the betrothal of my daughter and heir Rhaenyra. To my son... Aegon." Viserys declared.

"Where is Aegon?"

"Where is the queen?"

"Not much of a betrothal party without the little lad. What is he viserys almost three?"

Viserys knew it was foolish but Aislynn and Laenor were being wed and his plans had failed so he had to make a show of it himself. Act as though everything was fine.

"Babes probably tired from all Rhaenyras ass kissing back into his good graces after fucking her uncle."

Viserys heard the whispered words of rhaenyra fucking daemon. And the not so whispered words but he had to put on a brave face. He was the king after all. He should have forbid it. He should have demanded. Yes. Corlys would have had to marry laenor to rhaenyra. Now it would be ten long years before Aegon reached maturity and could be wed. What was he thinking? At least rhaenyra would be punished for her actions.

Ten years of Celibacy to condone for what she had done.

"You are not bad". Aislynn admitted.  Laenor chuckled glancing over to her.

"Thanks". He chuckled back. "You certainly know what you are doing". Laenor agreed. She smirked coyly.

"First time." Aislynn mused.

"Yeah me too." Laenor teased.

"Husband.... Its strange. Is it strange for you?" Aislynn pondered.

"I never wanted a wife so yeah". Laenor agreed. He looked over his beautiful wife. Just because his preference was male didnt mean he couldnt enjoy or appreciate the beautiful that was Aislynn Hightower... Velaryon.

"Again?" Aislynn questioned. Laenor laughed out getting up.

"Can I eat first? Are you trying to set a record?" Laenor countered.

"I want to get back to craig. Hes needy." Aislynn agreed.

"Are the um- Cody brothers staying here?" Laenor questioned trying not to sound too interested.

"I dont know. Didnt ask them. Probably for a bit." Aislynn agreed. "My little brother will want to stay here oh- we do have to spend some time at the capital because Ali is my sister and she needs me. I refuse to leave her alone for too long at the capital."

"Of course". Laenor agreed.

"Great". Aislynn agreed. "You and me are going to be just fine." Aislynn decided.

"I think so too." Laenor agreed "so, Daren said you liked sailing". Laenor offered.

"Daren sails, I tan". Aislynn corrected. "Why? Are we going sailing?"

"We could". Laenor agreed. "The three of us..."

"Finn loves sailing. I will get him up and we can have breakfast on the water". Aislynn decided as she up getting dressed quickly and throwing up her hair.

Aislynn knew what she was doing. She played the game well. Daren, her charming handsome Daren swayed and once she was pregnant she wanted her husband fucking a good man. One they could trust. One that could gladly find his way into the bed with discretion.

"Finny we are going sailing honey, what do you say?" Aislynn cooed.

"I like driftmark." Finn agreed getting up rubbing at his eyes.

"You do? Thats nice to hear." Aislynn agreed.

"Dont be sour." Jay instructed.

"Shut the fuck up." Craig spat back.

"Shes married. Its not the end of the world. Im married." Baz reminded them. "And life doesnt change-"

"It's different for women and you know it." Pope remarked. Craig nodded along.

"Im going to lose her." Craig whispered.

"Awfully quiet Daren. You sad you losing your fuck buddy too?" Baz pondered.

"No no they are platonic!" Craig declared.

"I dont know how anyone man or woman could just be friends with Aislynn." Pope murmured.

"Shes like my sister." Daren countered.

"Very targaryen of you then."

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now