20. Delphine

978 50 7

4 years later

"My little perfect Delfie..." Aislynn cooed. Her newest baby smiled up at her, Delphine was always smiling. Aislynn touched her cheek, she loved being a mother. 

"Up, hold it up!" Laenor remarked. Aaron smiled as he swung around his little sword. 

"And swing it like this!" Arthur declared flailing his sword around high over his head. Aaron laughed out. 

"Do not listen to Uncle Art." Laenor corrected. Corlys loved that Aaron was a mini Laenor, same easy smile, smile love for swordplay. 

"Give me the baby." Craig declared as he took Delphine from Aislynn. 

"Umm excuse you!" Aislynn countered reaching for her baby. 

"Yes, you love Uncle Craig, yes you do, yes you do!" He bounced her in his arms. 

"I have been replaced." Aislynn realized with a huff. Craig tossed Delphine up into the air, she laughed giggling as she reached for him. He caught her kissing her perfect little face. 

"MAMA! MAMA!" Lucinda declared charging towards Aislynn. 

"One baby that loves me more." Aislynn agreed. 

In the past four years Aislynn had three beautiful children and in Aislynn fashion her genes had to shine through. THeir children had Laenor and Aislynn's perfect complexion with Laenor's darkened skin but Aislynn's dark hair. Each child had a streak of silver hair among a curly mop of black. 

"Auntie is here!" Luci declared as Aislynn picked her up kissing her cheek. 

"Auntie Ali is here? All the way from the capital for us?" Aislynn cooed. Luci nodded.

"I saw the... flag." She agreed.  "Green dragon." she whispered in Aislynn's ear. 

"Lets go greet them and hope she left her awful husband at home." Aislynn suggested. 

Every time Alicent visited Aislynn cackled at what Alicent had to gossip about. 

Jacaerys was only a few moons older than Aaron and Corlys couldnt be more grateful that he agreed to Otto's union of their children instead. 

Aislynn leaned back cackling. 

"I know!" Alicent declared shifting Aemond in her lap. Aemond was only a few moons older than Lucinda and he was a charmer. Luci loved him, thought he was the sweetest thing in the world. 

"Switch!" Alicent declared holding out Aemond. Aislynn begrudgingly handed over Delphie. "Shes just so cute!" 

"I know." Aislynn agreed, "what do you think of Jace?" Aislynn pondered. Aemond shrugged. "Yeah, figured as much." 

"Be gentle with Aaron, Aegon!" 

Laenor was very protective of his children. He loved Aaron, he wanted him to be strong and brave but Aegon was seven and Aaron was four. 

"He's just a baby." Aegon remarked. 

"Yeah." Laenor agreed. "He can't train against you like Finn can." 

"Fine." Aegon grumbled. 

"HEY!" Aaron countered. "I'm a big kid." 

"Luci," Laenor scooped her up spinning her away from the swords. "Be careful! I dont know what I would do if you got hurt."

"I play too, daddy." Luci corrected waving back  at Aegon. 

"She's really a baby." Aegon agreed. 

"You should see Delphie." Laenor countered. 

"I love when you come, where did Helaena run off to?" AIslynn questioned. 

"John stole her, they were playing in the flowers, I didnt see Finn where is he?"

"In love with a serving girl." Aislynn answered. "He chases after her endlessly."

"Thats adorable." Alicent declared. Aemond wiggled off her lap and ran off. 

"And i lost him." Aislynn murmured. 

''Hey how are things with the Cody brothers? Anything weird since Aaron was born? I know you have always been close with them but..." Alicent questioned. 

"Things have actually been perfect."

Aaron Velaryon- Hightower
4 years old

Lucinda "Luci" Velaryon- Hightower 3 years old

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Lucinda "Luci" Velaryon- Hightower
3 years old

Lucinda "Luci" Velaryon- Hightower 3 years old

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Delphine "Delfie" Velaryon - Hightower

Delphine "Delfie" Velaryon - Hightower 4moons

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History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now