24. Gutted

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"I gutted a man from groin to throat... Gutted is not the correct word. It implies I removed his organs. Slashed, sliced, cut, maybe even lanced ... but definitely not gutted. That's gross." Aislynn decided. Laenor choked on his wine glancing to Tommy, the proud big brother.

"I thought you just started working with swords?" Laenor countered.

"You are training?" Rhaenys questioned happily. "I was a warrior before my children came along. "

"I taught Aislynn a lot about knives when she was younger." Tommy remarked. "Swords were always to long and bulky for my Aislynn. She liked the pretty little daggers."

"I did." Aislynn agreed. "I still do."

"Who was the man?"

"Hes shredded in the ocean now. It really doesnt matter." Aislynn countered. "Come on babies time for bed!"

Craig got up as well scooping up Delphie. She giggled into him pulling on his long brown hair.

"You have the cutest kids. Im going to keep saying it." Craig remarked as they got to the kids rooms all side by side.

"I really do." Aislynn agreed. Delphine was the smilest baby. Always laughing and happy. She had the biggest eyes too. Aaron wanted to be just like his father. So of course he was filled with honor and morals already. Lucinda was a sweetie she loved creating things but she was definitely going to be a little drama queen when she grew up. Aislynn could see the most similarities between them.

After bed time tuck ins and stories all around craig offered aislynn his hand and pulled back to bed.

"Im not pregnant." Aislynn reminded him.

"I just wanna snuggle." Craig countered pulling his shirt off and pulling her to him. He draped the blanket over them kissing along her neck. "Goodnight Amoret."

Aislynn woke wrapped in warmth. Craigs breath on her neck his arm cradled around her.

Her hips adjusted back into him and she felt his morning boner stabbing through his pants willing and begging for entrance.

She closed her eyes ready for sleep to overtake her again when she felt craigs grip tighten around her. His lips brushed against her shoulder. He dragged his hand up her arm fiddling with the strap of her dress. Tugging it down he kissed along her shoulder blade.

Aislynn bit down on her bottom lip drawing it into her mouth. His hand moved so slowly it sent shivers through her. He cupped her breast through the thin fabric of her nightgown while kissing gently along her neck.

She kept her eyes closed but he knew she was awake. His hand traveled down her stomach and her hand followed his grazing his thumb with her pinky.

"Amoret." He whispered kissing along the shell of her ear. She wrapped her foot around his ankle shifting her hips. His hand traveled up her thigh fingering the hem of her panties.  His touch so finger light on her thighs as he trailed up and down.

Aislynn put her hand on his and he stopped moving. She sucked in a deep breath dragging his fingers up again. Craig breathed her in kissing her neck again. Biting gently at the soft sensitive flesh. She slid his hand up to her wet pantie soaked cunt.

"Dripping." Craig rasped in her ear. She reached back for him as his hand slid into her panties. Dipping his long skilled fingers into her.

She gasped, eyes fluttering, He pulled her hips back into him snaking his fingers into her tight cunt.  Aislynn sucked in a tight breath before moaning it out.

Craig rolled her onto her back and stared down at her. Aislynns eyes searched his before he dipped down, his mouth sucking at her exposed breast, his hands fumbling with the rest of her dress.

"Where is mama?" Luci questioned.

"I dont know..." laenor answered.

"How do you not know?" Luci countered. Laenor chuckled fixing her a plate.

"You know your mother." Laenor countered. "She is her own woman. Dont worry as soon as she is up you know she runs to give you morning kisses." Laenor pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

Craigs fingers danced along her heat tormenting aislynns every needy breath. He doesn't push in right away. Instead, he let his fingers glaze against aislynns slick cunt, coating himself in her potent arousal. Aislynn heard him groan under his breath against her before he sliped two fingers inside her.

Desire pools in her stomach at the feel of him filling him. It built as he moved his fingers inside her, alternating between curling and scissoring her toes curled at his touch as her hips bucked up to meet him.

His opposite hand moved to her ass so he could hike her higher, plunging her deeper on his fingers, pulling her flush against his body. She moaned at the new position, his fingers hitting her at just the right spot, hee orgasm building faster than before as her eyes flutter shut.  

"More," aislynn commanded. Craig was too happy to oblige.

"Are you-"

"What?" Aislynn countered.

"Fuck it." Craig countered.

"Fuck me." she corrected. She could make a tea.

"Whoops," laenor quickly closed the door. He knew better than to intrude on aislynns closed door activities.

"Laenor!" Aislynn demanded. He flinched before entering. Craig didnt stop pounding into her. "Pull your cock out and start stroking. I need another baby." Aislynn demanded. Laenors eyes scanned a muscled craig.

"Heavens." Aislynn gasped, clawing at craigs backside. A thin layer of sweat coated her skin as the moved, laenor did as instructed as he dropped his pants. Her thighs wrapped around craig hips keeping him close as he pounded into her. His arms shook with his impending release.

"Aislynn." Craig warned. "As much as I want to come in your pretty cunt you have to let me go."  She grumbled releasing her limbs that were wrapped tightly around him. Laenor took his place as craig laid on the bed exhausted.

"Its okay to picture Craig." Aislynn assured. "We wont tell Daren."

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now