27. History of Man

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Craig began a soft trail up Aislynn's arms. His touch was featherlight, but his nails had a slight bite. When he reached her hands, he gripped them in his own. They stayed like that for a few beats, connected. Her grinding got slower, more languid, as she became one with his body. The slower pace meant she felt how hard he was. Another zing travels right to her lower stomach.

The lingering pulse causes her panties to dampen significantly. He pried her hands away from his neck and hair and guides them down her own body. He started with her shoulders, moving to her collar bones. His fingers remained laced through her as he grazed over her breasts, purposely running across her stiff nipples. He moves them down her bare stomach, reaching the lace of her skirt at her belly button. He pauses then and then ripped her arms back over her head, spinning her around to face him. Her eyes fly open as he pulled her chest to chest. She stared up at him, stunned arousal coursing through her. He lets go of her hands and cupped her face. He traced along her jaw before stopping to press his thumb against her lips. All she could do was stare. He wound her arms back around his neck, her gaze transfixed on his.

The lust was hazing her vision,  hypnotizing her. All she could see, all she could feel, all she could hear was the beating and pulsing thrum of her heart beating in her chest.

He pressed on her lower lip, dragging his thumb down until her lip popped back up. She was so wound up that she could feel her arousal sticking between her thighs. She didn't even give it a second thought as she brought her right knee up to loop her leg around his hips.

His hands moved to spread across her back, just below her shoulder blades, to pull her tight around him. She sighed in relief as the air cooled her raging heat. His cock throbbed against her in this position, she felt it begging for her.  He moved one of his hands to grip her ass.

"What are you waiting for?" Aislynn questioned, innocent eyes stared up at him. "Take me already."


"Princess Maegelle Targaryen was promised to the Faith, and eventually became a septa. She even helped those suffering with greyscale." Aislynn remarked. "It's an honorable profession for those without purpose. It gives them purpose." Aislynn could never imagine it she loved men too much to give them up.

"Rhaenyra has a purpose. She is the heir." Viserys corrected.

"Its funny how your mind went to Rhaenyra. I was just speaking of targaryen history." Aislynn purred.

viserys shifted in his seat. He didnt know how Aislynn always knew everything, she was a mastermind, clearly.

"In all the history of man, no ruler has lived without faults, without down falls but you know some of the best leaders, rulers, kings... listened to the women in their lives. The Gods gave man a helper for a reason, Viserys. Because He knew that men couldnt do it alone. They needed a guiding voice and hand. Listen to my voice, Viserys. You already know what you want to do but you are hesitating, why?"

"Because she is my only child!"

"She is not your only child!" Aislynn spat back. "You need to stop treating, Aegon, Helaena and Aemond as if they do not exist!" She demanded grabbing his collar and giving his a yank. He looked down at her harsh grip on his shirt before meeting her gaze. "They are your children too. They need a father, you need to be a better father, while you still have the strength to teach them and mold them. Viserys, you ruled over many years of peace. But your daughter and brother were always the reason for the storm."

"I know," Viserys whispered shaking his head.

"Do you?" Aislynn sassed.

"I know!" Viserys shouted, his nostrils flared back at her. "I named her with a purpose and now... she's... I dont have choice!" Viserys realized.

"You have a choice, you just need to make the right choice!" Aislynn commanded. "You need to do better for  them and for my sister! You chose her and you abandoned her. She forced her to carry your children and abandoned them! You know what you need to do."

"i dont." Viserys rasped back.

"You do! You see it! You know it-"

"The dream." Viserys shouted back.

"What?" Aislynn countered.

Aegon's dream of ice and fire... it is a prophecy you see... a song, a Song of Ice and Fire." Viserys demanded, he had not told anyone but Rhaenyra this and she turned her cheek at it, caused more chaos. "According to the prophecy, Aegon saw a great winter coming down from the far North that would cover the world in darkness. Only a Targaryen on the Iron Throne could unite the realm against this threat, and so Aegon came to conquer Westeros..."

"Aegon, whom you named your son after." Aislynn agreed. "You see the words written in stone and yet-"

"SHe was supposed to-"

"But she didnt." Aislynn corrected.

"aislynn I dont..." Viserys whimpered.

"I've seen it, in the poems and the sands, no doubt you have pleaded, with the powers and their plans. You tried to rewrite it by naming Rhaenyra the heir but Viserys you can't rewrite it, its already engraved in stone if you follow down this path of ignorance. It's the history, the history of man..."

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now