17. Dark Wings, Dark Words

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"Where is your sister going?" Aislynn questioned. Laenor peered out the window as he fixed his shirt. "I thought she didnt have a dragon." Daren knocked. aislynn said enter as Laenor watched Caraxes take off with his sister. Darens gaze lingered on Laenors toned legs as opposed to Aislynns naked form.

"Excuse me." Laenor said distractedly as he pulled on his pants and headed out.

"Aislynn!" Craig declared. "Close the door you dont want the world seeing you naked!" He slammed the door closed.

"Just you." Aislynn agreed. Daren smirked between them.

"Woah thats a big dragon." Craig remarked wrapping his hand around aislynns chest the other cupped her cunt. She leaned back into him.

"Daemons." Aislynn agreed.

"What does that monster want?" Craig had a rule to hate everyone that wasnt his own brothers that aislynn chose to sleep with. He couldnt hate laenor he was aislynns husband but he could hate laenor just a bit. Or a lot.

"Laena!" Laenor called out running to the shores.

"I want a dragon Laenor!" She shouted down. "I need a dragon! I will be back!"

"Laena! I will go with you!" Laenor begged. He didnt trust daemon.

"I have to do this alone." Laena corrected.

"You are not alone." Laenor countered. "You are with daemon."

"He knows more about dragons than us. Im sorry Laenor. I need to find Vhagar!" She shouted down as Caraxes took off.

Daemon, you see had a plan to wed rhaenyra but then he heard a rumor that was very unsettling. Rhaenyra wasnt an option at the moment. He would readjust his plans.


"A raven for you my lady." Laenor remarked. Aislyn smirked seeing Daren and Laenor walking together

"We were headed out for some training." Daren remarked. "Care to watch?"

"As exciting as that sounds," aislynn countered kissing their cheeks. "I have to check on Finn. You know the boys dont know what to do with him."

"When he gets big enough to carry a sword they will." Daren countered

"Hes old enough." Laenor assured. "A boy his age-"

"My Finn is innocent. He is going to stay pure and innocent as long as possible. He has gypsy in his blood and as soon as he starts causing trouble he wont stop." Aislynn corrected as she headed off. Laenor nudged daren and they headed outside. Aislynn barely made it through her chamber door expecting finn to be playing with his toys or coloring like a good boy but he wasnt there.

She broke open the seal of the letter instead. In the capital if you were not fast enough someone opened and resealed your letters. Aislynn liked that the Velaryons trusted her enough to respect her privacy.

"Aislynn my love!" Craig declared wrapping his arms around her. She melted back into him.

"Hi lover." She purred turning her cheek to kiss his.

"Anything?" Craig questioned hopefully. At first she didnt understand but his hands traveled to her stomach.

"Not that I'm aware of." Aislynn answered and he deflated. She put her hand over his as she read the raven. A laugh covered her lips. "Oh my Gods," aislynn declared as otto passed by her chambers with Arthur. "Oh father!" Aislynn ran off leaving Craig longing her. "Daddio! Daddio, did you hear? News from the capital?"

"Whats wrong? Is alicent alright?" Otto questioned. She loved that he asked about alicent. That he cared if she was alright. He was trying to be a better father now that he was not there to protect her. Or at least what he thought was protecting.

"Alicent is smug as ever." Aislynn clarified. "Which im sure is a new look on her but im confident she looks just like me so sexy as sin when she is smug."

"Aislynn what happened?" Otto demanded not wanting her ramblings and wanting the information if it was as exciting as aislynn was claiming it to be.

"Rhaenyra is pregnant." Aislynn declared catching everyone in the hallways attention.

"Rhaenyra is..." Otto bite back a laugh as a smile tugged at his lips. "Let me guess, Viserys is claiming its Aegon's. A babe of barely three."

"To Laenor and Aislynn!" Corlys declared.

The news of the princesses pregnancies spread fast, and the king was furious. He didn't know how the news had gotten out.  She was not married. She was deemed a whore. Everyone, of course, thought the father was her uncle, after all, they had been seen fornicating in the brothel.

"I prefer Aislynn and Laenor." Aislynn corrected. "It sounds better." She added innocently but raised a glass.

"To Aislynn and Laenor." Rhaenys agreed.

"May their marriage be fruitful." Corlys declared.

Corlys couldn't be more happy at how things that turned out sure his son would not be king one day, but if he had married rhaenyra and she birthed a bastard. It would bring ruin and shame upon their family.

Rhaenys was glad that aislynn and laenor got along so well. That aislynns brothers and like brothers the codys that joined them on driftmark all got aling great with Laenor.

Rhaenys had hoped that Laena would have grown fond of one of the brothers they were certainly handsome but she wanted a dragon more.

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now