23. Wifey

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Making a baby was hard work. It took a lot of warming up and usually a third body to get them started.

Aislynn stretched out before curling into Darens side. He kissed her temple wrapping an arm around her.

"Thanks hubby number two." Aislynn whispered.

"My number one wifey." Daren answered. She turned around pulling the blankets up high around her naked form before falling asleep. When she woke up she glanced to the tangled up sheets that had shifted in their sleep.

Aislynn reached over smacking Darens ass. He turned his head to face her. Aislynn had a big cheeky grin on her face.

"Ow." Daren said rolling over and pulling her ass into him.

"I like this arrangement." Aislynn remarked fondly.

"Yeah?" Daren mused. "Me too."

"But please shut up my snoring husband." Aislynn requested nodding to a sleeping laenor beside Daren. Daren elbowed Laenor and he rolled right off the bed, landing with a heavy thud he startled awake. Jumping to his feet he reached for his blade before he saw there was no immediate danger.

"Morning honey, so dramatic for first thing in the morning." Aislynn mused.

Aislynn got dressed as the men lounged in bed. She smiled back at them as they whispered to each other hands interwoven together.

"Good thing im not a jealous woman." Aislynn mused.

"You are the most jealous and possessive woman and that is funny considering how many men you used to bounce around from." Daren decided.

"And i expected every single one of them to be in love with me forever." Aislynn agreed.

"To hold your heart Aislynn." Laenor remarked looking her over as she laced up her dress.

"Women's hearts are lethal weapons." Aislynn assured. "Its not my fault if they held my heart and felt threatened."

Aislynn headed out blowing them a kiss as she closed the door. She went to Dephie's room first, she was babbling to herself, she stopped when she saw Aislynn in the doorway. 

"MAMA!" Delphie declared. "MAMA!" 

Aislynn loved how Delphie said mama, like mama was the best person in the world. Aislynn didnt realize when she first got pregnant how rewarding parenting could be. How she could fall so completely in love with a little life from even before they took their first breaths. Aislynn loved being a mother, to her three beautiful children. She loved being a wife to a man that didnt try to control her. SHe always thought marriage was a prison. A life long death sentence for most, her sister included was a great example of marriage being a death sentence for woman. But she was happier than she had ever been. And that was because of Otto and Corlys union between her and Laenor. But she was taking credit for it of course, she was the one that made things work with Laenor, she was the one that demanded his cock belonged her until she was pregnant. She was the one that treated him with the same respect she expected from him. 

"You want to get up?  See what the day as to off?" Aislynn questioned. 

"Oh mama!" Delphie questioned kissing her when Aislynn picked her up. 

"I like that answer." 


"Whats going on in here?" Aislynn questioned peering around hearing laughter coming from the kitchens and no children in their rooms. She knew they had stomachs like laenor. That man had a high metabolism and could eat everything.

"Stealing cookie dough

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"Stealing cookie dough." Aislynn tsked. Aaron dropped the spoon while Lucinda ran off with her spoon giggling.

"Sorry mama." Aaron whispered. "It was lucis idea!" He added.

"Im sorry too." aislynn agreed picking up a spoon "sorry you didnt come get me for this." She dipped her spoon in and brought it to her lips. Aislynn took a bite nodding her head as aaron grabbed his spoon laughing out. "This is good."

"Luci is trouble." Aaron mumbled through another bite.

"Shes trouble like your uncles." Aislynn agreed.

History of Man  / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now