Chapter 24

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Luhan's POV

Sehun made me mad.

What is he doing with her. I felt full of Jelousy and I felt myslef starting to get angry.

But then I noticed that a guy grabbed HaNa's hand.

Sehun looked very surprised. What in the world is going on?

The guy was tall and apparently was very good looking. I couldn't really see his face at all. But he did look familiar.

Sehun walked back to our tables and looked dumbfounded. "Yah Guys it seems like HaNa has a boyfriend." He said shocked.

My eyes widened. No that's impossible she can't be dating anyone.

All the other guys looked in shock.

"That's HaNa!" Asked Xiumen.

"Wow daebak that doesn't look like her at all." Said Baekhyun.

"I guess she does have a boyfriend I mean she's such a beauty." Said Kai sort of upset as he sipped wine.

I looked down, not knowing if it's true. I was confused. How come she never told me about him.

I looked across the table and saw her smiling at him. She looked so happy.

Am I too late?

Then the CEO came out and went up on stage.

He bowed and welcomed everyone.

"Hello everyone. I'm the CEO of ARIEL FASHION INDUSTRY, it's an honor to have all of you here to our first Fashion show of the year."

The CEO was very good looking and tall. He looked like a famous movie actor.

He kept on talking and said... "It's such and honor to have one of Asia's top Boy Group ...EXO with us tonight."

The crowd went wild and clapped ...especially all the fans girls who were outside looking at us from the windows which were really big.

The other members bowed and waved at everyone. I did too.

"I also have some very important news. It's about my daughter."

Baekhyun said "Woah I bet his daughter must be very beautiful."

The other guys laughed.

Sehun said " I wonder who she is?" all the other guys agreed.

"My daughter who is here tonight i'd like to introduce you guys to her. So HaNa would you please come up here to the stage?"

I was in shock again , so were all the other guys.

"Woah HaNa is the daughter of the CEO???" all the members said while looking surprised.

Kris said as he looked at her. "I mean its kind of obvious, they look alike and they are rich."

Lay asked, "Kris you knew already?"

Kris, "Well when we went to her house to eat while walking in, I looked at the walls where there were picture frames hanging... I saw both of them smiling in the picture so I asumed that she must have been his daughter."

"Wah our Kris is very smart." said D.O. as he gave him his heart smile.

Kris replied "Being smart isn't my style."

The guys chuckled.

HaNa made her way up to the stage.

"This here is my daughter HaNa, and I have a big surprise for her."

The CEO said while smiling at the crowd.

"I'd like to introduce to you her fiance, Yao-Shang known by his american name James Shang who she will be marrying in a couple of weeks."

The crowd clapped cheerfully and seemed very full of energy when they had heard the news.

James made his way up to the stage and stood next to HaNa. As I was looking at her she had a very surprised look on her face.

He grabbed her hand and smiled at her.

She looked at him in the eye and I felt my heart break.

"Woah this is totally crazy !" Whispered the guys to each other.

"How come she never told us about this." said Suho while staring at the guys.

"I'm not sure but I say they look like a very good couple." Said Lay while happily clapping along with the crowd showing off his deep dimples.

Chen slapped Lays hand Jokingly. "Yah what are you doing?"

Lay looked back at Chen and said "Come on guys whats with the sad atmosphere?" He joked.

I stood up and walked outside.

My heart was broken into a million of pieces literally.

I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks.

I looked up at the moon and smiled like a fool.

It started raining and the rain poured down and I had felt like time had stopped for eternity.


Hana's POV

I had gotten off the stage and James was walking right next to me.

We had gone outside and he was looking into my eyes as he said, "I thought a lot about you when I was in america, should I call her, I wonder if she remembers me. Well just things like that." he said.

I smiled at him and said "You know, even though you were a good friend of mine from the past ...Look James... I don't want to hurt you..."

"I think this is all a misunderstanding we are not ready for a marriage , I have someone who I truly love and I only want to be with them. I'm sorry" i said to him as I pulled my hand away from him.

"Hana I think you are making a big mistake here." He said almost angry.

"No James, you don't really love me do you? It's my money that you want. You have never loved anyone in your life , your're just a jerk who only wants to sleep with women and use them because of their wealth. Your're a player."

"HaNa, are you crazy? Have you gone insane? Look here."

he grabbed my hand aggressively.

"Your're mine now, I'm the perfect man that needs to be on your side, I can give you all the money in the world, I can give you more than what you have, I can give you happiness."

"Let go of my hand, James let go it hurts oww!"

"No Hana listen your're mine now, after all this is an arranged marriage isn't it, Women would be so happy to be in your shoes, your're ignorant ?"

"James let go of me!"

I was able to let go of him and slapped him on the face.

"Your're nothing but a spoiled jerk, who has never learned to appreciate all that you have, you love to look down at people."

"Yet, people still like you, people like you shouldn't exist in this world."

I ran away from him , but I heard him run behind me.

I was scared, this guy is a crazy jerk.

I ran and then it started pouring rain.

I couldn't run anymore so I stopped to catch my breath.

But I felt someone grab my arm and I knew that it was James.

Oh no, what is he going to do to me?

But I turned around and I felt someone hug me.

I couldn't exactly see his face but I knew who he was.


Shout out to my readers from Malaysia !

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