chapter 7

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Kyungsoo's (D.O)  POV

Aish~ Today's waether is so cold. Of course it is snowing in Korea right now. I don't know but I am feeling a little tired.  Today's schedule was awfully a lot of work.

Should  I cook?  I'm feeling a little hungry lately.... craving ramen.

-opens door -

Ah wait I forgot I need to wash my face first.   Oh and I should turn off the light Manger may pop his head in and see if I am  asleep.

As I come out of the bathroom with my  face wet I turned on the light to look for my towel and I notice Luhan hugging someone.

"What are you guys doing? " I asked out of curiosity.  Luhan turned around facing me.

"Ah Kyungsoo why aren't you asleep yet? "

"Ah aniya~ I was just washing my face. "

"Luhan... who is that behind you? "

Have-Na's POV ♥

The lights wen on and their I was hugging Luhan. My faced buried into his manly chest. I didn't want to let go. I'm afraid of the dark. And Luhan is afraid of heights.


Luhan lets go to that ride next? Please?

No Thanks Ha-Na . That Roller Coaster looks really high. I don't want to. );

Aw come one Luhan please just ride with me once? Will yeah please stop being a chicken and go with me.

Ha-Na i'm not a chicken. I'm manly and you can go by yourself.

Fine Luhan, I'll go on by myself. You probably wouldn't care if I Hugged another guy on the ride anyways. Hmf.

Ahh Ha-Na no need to say that , Fine i'll go with you but ...only on one condition.

What is it?

He shyly said " Please don't let go of my hand..."


What are you guys doing said a voice that came from the room.

Luhan turned around and talked to this guy.

We went and sat with him and ate Ramen that he made. He was actually  a cook good cook because I have never taseted such delicious ramen in my life.

"So you are saying this is Tao's girlfriend?" He said suprisingly.

Luhan answered back similing " Kyungsoo, I didn't know he would have one but it seems as if she came all the way from China just to be with him."

"Indeed I thought she was a stalker. Maybe here to steal my underwear. Aish it's been all over the news lately."

I was just sitting there eating the ramen while Luhan and Kyungsoo were conversating.

"Ah what is your name? " he asked.

"Hello, my name is Eu-meh nice to meet you."

"Ah doesnt that mean especially beautiful in chinese ?Woah that name goes perfectly with you. And nice to meet you i'm Kyungsoo. DO Kyungsoo but people know me as D.O.

He smiled. Cutely His smiled looked like a heart shaped lips, which i found very attractive.  

I looked at Luhan I saw him just staring at me.

" Why did you come to Korea ?Do you really love Tao that much that you followed him all the way over here?" he asked.

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