Chapter 29

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----3 years Later-----

(Hana's POV)

3 Years had passed since the last time I had seen Luhan and now it's 2016, My feelings still have not changed at all. These 3 years have been a great experience for me personally.

I got married to James, and we got closer to each other. He had changed so much. He became more of my friend rather than my husband.

He changed and became a gentleman now. We worked together.

He had opened up his own 5 star restaurant in New York and I took part of the fashion industry.

I couldn't say that I had fallen in love with him but I like him now.  He plans on having a family with me but I pass and say we aren't ready to become parents yet.

 One day he wanted to divorce. I asked him why but all he said was for me to find my happiness.

He remarried to woman 1 year younger than him. Now she is pregnant and they are living happily while he focuses on his restaurant and their baby.

I was happy for him and we left in good terms. He had taught me so much which had reminded me of when were younger kids.

My father was very upset with our divorce news but he then thought about it and he became ok with it.

I was happy that he had accepted it the way it was. He had become more successful with his work, and even opened up a store all over the US.

Other than that I heard that Luhan had left Exo as well as Tao and Kris. I was worried that they weren't friends anymore.

But one day I got a call from Tao saying everything was ok.  That they are in good terms yet don't show it in public.

I heard the group was doing good. Tao became a solo artist. So did Kris and Luhan.

I met up with Tao a couple of times and we ate and chatted about ourselves.

I even met up with Kris who apparently wanted to become a model. So I collaborated with him and we worked as colleagues for a while

We still kept our relationship close, as well as with all the other members.

Oh and not to even mention Luhan.

Now I was heading back to China.

I fell asleep on the plane as I had a dream about a wedding that was being held. I Saw the girl walking down the ailes with a beautiful dress on and a handsome groom whom I didn't see his face but his back looked very good.

As I arrived to Hong Kong, Lei Xio was waiting for me. Perhaps you don't remember but she is my maid, more like Nanny since, I was a young girl. She in her late thirties now. But she was still beautiful.

She told me about my father everyday. He never married the woman he was dating.

So now Lei Xio had a chance to become my stepmother since she had always had a crush on him.

She welcomed me with a warm hug.

"How have you been Hana? I've missed you so much, look at you now, you've become a beautiful and mature woman."

She kept on going with her praises, while I smiled at her.

It's good to be home.

I had wanted to return home so many times but there was never any time due to my busy schedule with the company.

Now I'm back with the same feelings as I left. I'm back to recover what I had lost 3 years ago.

We got a ride from the taxi. As I returned home, it seemed very quite. As I was standing outside the door, I felt nervous, I don't know why.

I opened the door nob and the lights were out. But then all of a sudden they went out and ...

SURPRISE !!  Everyone was there , from Sehun, Kei, to Kris and even Suho and all the guys.

I started out in tears. Everyone told me not to cry but the tears wouldn't stop.

What are you guys doing here I asked. They all smiled and Kyungsoo replied "Ahh we were having a variety show today here in China so, since we were here we decided to stop by."

Lay said "Also because we heard you were coming back home."

I laughed at them, and said why? You guys are such busy people, thank you it means so much to me.

I have a question though... Have you guys seen Luhan?

Everyone froze as they stood there speechless. I asked what? Did something happen to him?

They smiled and motioned for me to turn around.

I turned around to see Tao standing behind me with a huge smile on his face.

He hugged me and said, "Ahh you don't know how much we haved missed you Hana, welcome home."

He kept on giving his cute smile as I blushed. "You've become even prettier since the last time that I have seen you." He kept on saying.

I sat down on the couch tired from jet lag and they all sat beside me. Smiling and talking.

I wanted to see him, I missed him so much. But they never wanted to reply to my question.

Its a good thing that they still kept in touch after all the chaotic things that have happened between them.  I wanted to go for a walk outside so I got my coat and opened the door.

I saw Luhan kneeling down on the floor and he held something on his hand with a big smile on his face.

He smiled and said "I know I haven't been the best man on earth to you but I never stopped loving you, even though we were miles apart you were always on my mind...I can't live without you, Hana will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me and no is not an option."

I smiled at him and I didn't know what to say, so I said "No, Luhan I can't marry you."

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