Chapter 3

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This has been written by myself and belen2805.   I have added Gemma's family (Harry's sister to the synopsis and they will be introduced later in this story.

Harry got his phone out and messaged Sienna. "Lou has just left for singing and drama teaching, come to the flat when you're ready." Harry messaged. "Be over shortly" Sienna smiled. Sienna then went to say her byes and told Niall to call her or the ward if he needs anything. Niall told Sienna he had Amber. Sienna smiled at the pair and then left. She headed to Harry's flat and used the key safe outside the room and let herself in. "Harry, it's Sienna" she called. "In the lounge" Harry said. Sienna walked to the lounge and sat next to Harry after giving him a cuddle. "Want to show me where everything is so I can go take them and we can start setting your surprise up?" She asked Harry. "I can tell you where they are or can you help me into my wheelchair?" Harry said. "I'll help you into the chair" Sienna said not wanting to go through things without Harry there, it wouldn't feel right. Sienna got the wheelchair and helped Harry into it just as the door opened. "Haz it's mum" Anne said, carrying some bags, knowing Louis would be teaching now and she needed to get Liam in around half hour.  "In the hall, mum!" Harry shouted, letting his mum know he heard her and where to find him and Sienna after they moved from the lounge to get what they needed.

Sienna looked into the bags and boxes and was happy with what Harry had picked for his surprise. Anne came in with some carrier bags. "Hey haz and" Anne said recognising the nurse. "Sienna" she said. "Sorry, I recognised you but couldn't remember your name" Anne said. "No worries." "Haz I have made you chicken soup and there is extra roast chicken and bits if you fancy, i will put it in the fridge for now." Anne smiled. "Thanks mum," he said. He always struggled with food round this time of year.

It was his best day but it was also where he lost his mum for a bit and was fostered, but then if that didn't happen he may not have met the love of his life. Harry is caught up with thoughts as his mum comes back and sees he has tears in his eyes. Anne hugs the boy. "I know what today is but remember you married your soulmate" Anne said, hugging the boy. Harry nodded and wiped his tears. They then looked at what Harry and Anne had bought and laid the surprise out. They lay petals and balloons out on the bed and around the room and hung up fairy lights. They set the dining table with a new tablecloth and centrepiece for when Harry and Louis have dinner later.

Anne looked at her watch and, after helping with cleaning everything, said goodbye to her son and Sienna and went on her way to pick up her grandson. They left Harry on the sofa watching TV. Harry was happy with everything he had done, he just hoped his stomach would behave today, it had so far. He watched tv for a bit, waiting for Louis.

Louis got to singing and drama class and saw a few people waiting outside. He let them in before waiting for the rest of them. While he waited for the rest of the people he teaches to, he took his things out and got them organised on his desk and the music sheets on the piano. The rest of the people walked in and took their places. Louis looked up and greeted them before beginning with vocal warm up exercises. Once thry had warmed up he told the people the new song they were learning.

He passed the copies of the music sheets to his students and began to teach them the song voice by voice. He had formed a chorus with them. After a few rounds of practising the song, they moved on to discuss and choose a play they would want to act on. Louis set a date for the casting of the characters once the play was chosen. Louis then breaks them and gets them practising doing a private 5 minutes with all of them, giving them feedback about their performances. "That was amazing. Harper, you been checking your blood sugar?" Louis asked when it was the girls turn. Harper huffed. "Let's do it now and then continue" Louis said. Harper sighed but checked her sugar which was normal. They continued. Louis did the last few students before wrapping the class up. He then packed up ready to get back to his husband and son. He walked out of the room after his students and took the stairs to go down to his floor.

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