Chapter 25

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The doorbell went. Niall went to open the door and let the dr in, walking behind the dr to her daughter's room. Liam and Sienna stood from the bed upon seeing the dr walking in and after helping Harper lie down again. Harper groaned and held her hand to be held. Sienna nodded for Liam to do this. Liam walked closer to the bed and stood next to it, holding Harper's hand, brushing his thumb along it. "You are soon going to be feeling better, Harp," He said, trying to reassure the girl. The dr assessed Harper after reading her medical info papers. "Here's the issue. Can't believe this has happened once again and to you. I'm sorry Sienna. You have been given the wrong batch of feed. Same happened with Katie when she stayed at the ward. Don't know who is still messing around with them. We are keeping everyone in the ward under close watch, except for the nurses and volunteers who got sick and the ones taking care of people outside the ward during the weeks the bug was going round." The dr said.

Sienna sighed hoping it wasn't any of her colleagues she was close with. Liam sighed as well upon hearing what was happening at the ward. He was angry knowing about Katie and now Harper having to suffer because of somebody else not doing their job right. "We will put her on IV fluids for now to get it out of her system. We will look at getting extra checks in," the dr said as he disconnected the supposed PN and took the bag with him. Harper had another bout of diarrhoea with no warning. "Don't you worry about the diarrhoea and vomit bouts. They will keep happening until her body is completely free from the wrong feed she has been having." The dr said.

He walked out of the room followed by Liam to let Niall and Sienna get Harper cleaned and changed. "Can I be of help with finding who's the culprit behind what's happening with the feeds?" Liam asked the dr, wanting to keep everyone he knows and others safe from being given feeds that could affect their health more than they already are.

"Thanks for the offer Liam but if we want to get this person we need to go through the official way and get an official investigation going," the dr said. "B-But these are my family we are talking about. I can't stay arms crossed doing nothing about it," Liam said desperately. "I know, we understand that and I promise you we will do everything possible to get this sorted ASAP, however if you do anything it could scupper it" the dr said trying to avoid saying it was already under investigation. Liam sighed at that. "Fine, I will leave it in your hands then" he said, feeling defeated. The dr sighed with relief he knew Liam meant well but the boy was only 15. He walked out of the flat after taking all the bags of premade feeds from the kitchen. Liam closed the door after the dr left.

Back in the room, after getting Harper dressed and back in bed Niall told Sienna about him going to Gemma and Zayn's as Harry was visiting them. "I've got Harper and Amber if you want to visit them for a bit." Sienna said. Niall nodded and kissed his wife before leaving the room.

"Li, You want to go with me to your aunt's or stay here?" Niall asked when he met Liam outside the room. "I'll say bye to Harper and then come with you." Liam says. Niall nodded before going to check on Amber. Liam went to Harper's bedroom.

Niall walked into his youngest's bedroom. "Hey baby. Going with Liam to visit Gemma and Zayn for a bit. You're staying with mum and Harper. Is it okay?" Niall said. "It's okay daddy. Say hi to Katie for me if you see her." Amber said from her desk where she was still drawing and painting. "Sure, I will do" Niall said before kissing her head and walking out leaving the door closed.

Liam walked into Harper's bedroom and went to kiss the girl's forehead. "Going to my aunt's flat for a bit to visit them." He told Harper before also saying bye to Sienna. The girl nodded a little calmer and Liam walked out of the room.  Niall and Liam walked out of the flat and went to Gemma and Zayn's.

Sienna checked on Amber as Harper settled. Amber smiled at her mum from her desk when Sienna walked in. Amber showed her mum the drawings. "They are really pretty, baby." Sienna said. "Thank you mummy. How's Harper?" Amber asked, having not seen or heard from her sister since she arrived home from the psychologist. "Bit poorly. She was asleep before," Sienna said. Amber sighed but nodded. She wanted to go cuddle with her sister as Harper did when she was sick with the bug. But she wasn't sure of asking for it. "Cuddle her but not if she is throwing up." Amber said. Sienna nodded and followed Amber to Harper's bedroom. Amber carefully got in bed next to her sister and cuddled her softly. Harper smiled, snuggling into her sister. Amber smiled back at her sister. "Go sleep if you need to. I'll take care of you." Amber said. Harper smiled and shut her eye's. Amber stayed put and awake, cuddling her sister.

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