Chapter 24

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Over the next 3 weeks Louis had been transferred back to Clover ward and then home. He was still very weak and unable to do things he could do before getting ill. HIs stomach was still bothering him. He was living in the spare room as he and Harry kept setting each other off. They argued to be in the same room, which they were but if one of them was rough then they got split up. Anne had temporarily moved in to help the family out. Abbey and Anne and a few other nurses helped the family out so there was always someone with them as they didn't think it was fair to Liam to help them out 24/7 and miss out on other things he could enjoy as a teen.

Harry was watching TV in bed and having a good day. Louis was in the spare room feeling very sick and nauseous. Abbey was in with Louis comforting him and helping him hold the bucket through the bout when he eventually threw up. Harry had headphones in the bedroom so he couldn't hear Louis as he continued to watch tv.

Louis groaned as he threw up again. Abbey rubbed his back. When Lou was done he sipped and gurgled some water. Abbey checked his vitals and gave him anti-sickness medicine through his tube to try and help him stop vomiting. She then helped him get comfortable again. Louis could get comfortable again when the medicine kicked in. Louis soon fell asleep. However it didn't last for long. He woke up and felt very rough. Abbey took care of him hoping to get him comfortable back again. Louis soon sickly burped and Abbey grabbed the bucket. Louis threw up in the bucket but he still felt very rough. Abbey upped the bags of fluids through his port to keep him hydrated and called doctor Ross, who has become Louis' dr as well as Harry's, and asked what else she could do to get him better. "I will come to review Louis, give me ten minutes," Dr Ross said. "Okay, we'll wait." Abbey said and ended the call. Abbey comforted Louis as they waited for the dr.

"Mum, can we do something?" Harry asked, being a bit bored. He knew he couldn't help Lou even if he felt good. "Sure, what would you like to do?" Anne asked, happy that Harry suggested doing something else as she was also bored of watching tv. "Can you take me for a walk in my wheelchair?" Harry smiled. "Where would you like to go?" Anne asked moving the wheelchair closer to the bed and helping Harry into it after he dressed properly to go out. Harry shrugged, not sure just wanting some fresh air while he felt ok.

"Let me go tell Abbey we are going out." Anne says as she fixes the bucket with a carrier bag onto the wheelchair. Anne then quickly heads into the spare room telling Abbey they are going for a walk. Abbey told her it was good that Harry wanted to go out and get some fresh air and that she would stay with Louis as he wasn't feeling 100% well. Anne then put her shoes on before wheeling Harry outside and going for a walk.

Dr Ross arrived after Anne and Harry left and went straight to the room Louis was staying in. He got his supplies out and reviewed Louis. He also checked Abbey's notes. Louis just whimpered. "No fever, we can give some more medicine but otherwise ride it out for now," Dr Ross said. Louis groaned at hearing that. Abbey did as told by the dr. Dr Ross left a few moments later. Abbey comforted Louis as best as she could. Louis tried to fall asleep and have some rest, hoping to feel better. Abbey kept an eye on him. Soon he luckily fell asleep.

Anne and Harry ended up deciding to go for a walk around the park nearby. Harry smiled as he was wheeled round the park. Anne smiled seeing her son feeling happy.  "Mum, what can I get Lou to make him feel better?" Harry asked. "Let's go to the shops and look around to get some ideas." Anne said. They walked around the park for a bit more before they went to the shops. Anne wheeled Harry around and got him a few more clothes and looked for a present for Louis. Harry also looked around while thinking about what his husband likes. Anne saw something and showed Harry. Harry nodded in agreement and picked something else too. They ended up making a gift package with everything they found that was of Louis' preference. They soon paid for it and Anne had it in a bag as she pushed the chair.

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