Chapter 32

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"Mum I need a change but don't want to wake Lou," Harry said after Liam and Robin left. Anne nodded and carefully helped Harry into his chair to take him to the bathroom without waking Louis up. Anne took Harry's trousers and wet pad off and sat him on the toilet. Harry did a wee. When he was done Anne cleaned him and put a fresh pad on. Anne helped Harry back into the wheelchair. They both washed their hands.

Anne wheeled Harry back into Louis' cubicle. There was someone who was supposedly checking Louis who was now awake but not really with it and trying to push the man away. When they had a look at the person, Anne stood still too shocked.

"Get off my husband," Harry screamed at this man and went to get up to help Louis fight him away from him once he recognised who the man was. While trying to get up Harry threw up violently over himself with the stress of it all.

A nurse came rushing in after hearing all the commotion when walking by. She also paged Dr Ross, recognising Harry's voice shouting and him throwing up after; more nurses, to help if needed; and security, knowing it would be needed. They all got to the room at the same time.

Anne was still standing still and shocked. "Anne, can you talk to us?" one of the nurses said. Anne didn't answer. Security grabbed the man and escorted him out. The police had been called too. Security detained this man for now. They didn't know any details but knew Harry wouldn't be shouting and like that for no reason.

Once the man was out and taken to the police station. "Can I get to my husband? Did he hurt you at all?" Harry said after he stopped throwing up. Harry then turned to his mum. "Mum he has gone, he can't take me away from you again. Can someone get Gemma and Jay down here urgently?" Harry said. He was helped to Louis' bed. Then the nurse went to call Jay and Gemma. "He's the one messing with the feeds. You stopped him in the middle of changing Louis'" Dr Ross said. "He also tried to inject something in me, I think. I tried to fight him and couldn't see what it was but felt something pricking. He didn't hurt me, though." Louis said.

"What did he inject into my husband? can't believe he is out of prison and doing this," Harry said with tears in his eyes. "We are going to check on that right now and see what we need to give him to stop the course of whatever it is" Dr Ross said and got to work on getting Louis ready to go to an examination room.

One of the nurses grabbed a bucket and held it for Harry. Harry threw up more into it. The nurse was helping him get cleaned and out of his clothes after he finished, when Gemma appeared at the door.

Gemma came into the room confused. "Is everything ok?" Gemma asked. Anne shook her head no. "He is back," Anne said before breaking down. Gemma just pulled her mum into a hug.  Abbey came down having been helping someone in their flat. She gasped at hearing Anne's words. "As in your ex husband?" Abbey said. Gemma nodded in reply, hugging her mum tighter.

Jay walked in and rushed to Louis and Harry first before going to Anne. "What happened? Is he really back?" Jay said, turning to Anne and Gemma, having heard Abbey's question on her way inside but not a reply to it. "He's the one causing all the mess with the feeds at the hospitals and wards around the area." Dr Ross answered for Anne. "I need to take Louis to the examination room right now to check if there is in fact something in him. He says he felt something pricked him as this man tried to inject something in him. If there is, we are going to start immediate treatment to rid his body of it before it gets any farther and damages something" He said and wheeled Louis' bed out of the room after Harry stepped back and joined his mum and sister. Jay and Abbey stayed with them. They didn't want to take them to their flats and worry their families by having to explain the situation.

Harry threw up again as he was very worried about his husband. Gemma rushed over and went and held the bucket. "Shhhh let it out, Lou is going to be ok" Gemma soothed. Abbey went and got a bag of fluids and anti sickness medicine for Harry, not wanting to risk a decompensation because of the amount of vomit he is letting out. She returned to the room and connected the bag of fluids to Harry's cannula first, waiting for Harry to finish vomiting as he was still puking to connect the anti sickness.

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