Chapter 28

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All of a sudden the heavens opened. Robin rushed over and helped Harry into his chair. Jay helped Louis up and supported him as Niall called the kids over and then went to the other side of Louis to support him as they all headed inside and up to each of their flats. Mikey and Liam helped Amber get in as fast as they could without jostling the girl too much. Liam took over from Niall when Ni went a different way to them with Amber and led his dad to their flat. Robin wheeled Harry and they were pretty dry as Robin wheeled Harry in fast while the others took it slow with Louis and Amber and they were all soaked.

Mikey had gone back home to take a shower. Mikey soon came into the flat where he found Anne and Katie watching TV in the lounge. "Grandma, Is dad ok?" he whispered. "He will be. He just had a headache. Your mum is with him now." Anne said. Mikey joined them on the sofa. Katie cuddled between her grandma and brother as they watched tv.

Zayn woke up a few hours later. "How's the head?" Gemma asked. "Better, thanks. It was just the heat that affected me." Zayn said. "Glad you're feeling better. Katie and Mikey are watching a film. Want to join them or stay here?" Gemma asked her husband. "Stay here. Don't want to risk triggering a migraine with the tv's brightness" Zayn said. "That's understandable, want anything to eat or drink?" Gemma asked Zayn. Zayn shrugged. "Not really. Some yoghurt and crackers, maybe." He said, knowing he needed to eat something, yet, not really fancying too much food. Gemma nodded and went to get some crackers and a glass of fresh water for Zayn. Zayn sat on the bed and took the crackers and water from Gemma and began to eat. Zayn had about two crackers and then refused the rest. Gemma took the leftover crackers and put them aside on the bedside table. Zayn drank half the glass of water and refused to finish it as well. Gemma didn't force Zayn to finish it. Zayn laid back in bed. Gemma went to close the door to avoid any smell or noise from the outside of the room to trigger Zayn's migraines. She laid in bed with Zayn, cuddling against him. Zayn snuggled into Gem.

Anne decided to make a start on dinner as Gem was in with Zayn. Mikey joined her in the kitchen and offered to help. Anne thanked Mikey as they made dinner together. Katie had fallen asleep on the sofa. Soon dinner was ready and they left Katie to sleep. She wasn't eating by mouth anyway.

Once they finished eating Anne went in to tell Gem dinner was ready when she saw her son in law awake. "Z, how you feeling?" Anne asked. "Much better, just trying to avoid any trigger" Zayn said. "That's good, Gem dinner is ready. I've just eaten so I can sit in with Zayn" Anne said. Zayn moved his head letting his wife up to eat. Gemma kissed Zayn on the lips before standing from the bed and walking out of the room. Anne smiled watching the interaction. Gemma ate and went to take Katie from the sofa and put her in bed. She went back to her room, letting Anne leave and head back to Harry's. Mikey had gone to his room after eating. Anne grabbed her things and left after saying her goodbyes to everyone. Gemma, Zayn and Michael fell asleep.


Once inside the flat, Robin ran Louis a bath and then asked Harry if he wanted to lay on the sofa or bed but found him grabbing the bucket on his wheelchair.  While Louis was having a bath, Robin tended to Harry and cleaned and dressed him after the bout ended. Liam was taking a shower himself so he couldn't help. Robin just rubbed Harry's back before moving him and held the bucket as Harry threw up into it. "Just let it out, Haz" Robin soothed.

Jay checked Louis was ok in the bath before going over to help Robin with Harry who was still being sick. Harry soon stopped vomiting but felt very weak. Robin helped him get in bed and Jay hooked him to a bag of fluids to help him recover and feel better. They placed a fresh bucket by Harry's bedside.

Jay went to empty the bucket Harry had used once Liam was out the main bathroom and getting dried and dressed in his room. After she got the bucket cleaned, she went back to check if Louis had finished in the bathroom and to help him get out of it. Louis got dried and dressed before Jay helped him back to bed. Louis was exhausted and cuddled up to his husband falling asleep. They both slept peacefully for a few hours.  Robin and Jay left them to sleep. They listened out for them in case they woke up and needed anything.

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