Chapter 15

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Tricia woke up around 8AM and left Zayn to sleep. She messaged her daughter in law, asking how Katie was doing. "Had a very rough night, sleeping now" Gemma replied back. "Hope she feels better soon. I'm at yours if you need anything. Z had a migraine earlier. He's sleeping for now." Tricia replied. "Oh no, hope he feels better and isn't the start of the bug as he was cuddling Katie when she got bad yesterday" Gemma replied back just as Katie woke up. "As far as I can tell he has thrown up but it is a side effect from the migraine." Tricia texted. Gemma couldn't reply as Katie had woken up and she was comforting her. Tricia went and made herself some breakfast. Zayn woke up at 11AM and just lay there, the migraine had gone but it left him feeling weak.

Tricia had breakfast before going upstairs and seeing Zayn awake. "How's the head?" she asked. "Better" Zayn said. "That's good, what do you fancy for breakfast? I'll bring it up here," Tricia said. "Juice and toast with butter lightly spreaded" Zayn said used to eat lightly after a migraine's episode. Tricia went to make it and brought it up to her son. "Have you heard from Gem how Katie is?" Zayn asked. "Texted Gemma not so long ago, Katie had a very rough night and was still sleeping." Tricia said. Zayn nodded sadly as he ate his breakfast, deciding to call his wife in a bit. Tricia stayed with him in the bedroom while he ate. Zayn finished and decided to ring his wife, it was engaged so he left a voicemail, he then texted her.


"Hey Katie, how you feeling?" Gemma asked her daughter. Katie whimpered, not feeling good. She felt dizzy. Gemma buzzed for a nurse or dr. One of the nurses walked into the room and checked on Katie. She gave her medicine for the dizziness through the drip. They also gave her more fever reducers . Gemma comforted her daughter while the medicines worked. Katie just snuggled into her mum. "Go to sleep if you feel like it, baby," Gemma said quietly. Gemma heard her phone rang and picked the call up seeing it was Michael. "Hey Mikey, how was your night at grandma and grandad's?" Gemma asked. "It was good, how's Katie doing?" Mikey asked. "Not great, they are giving her medicine to help her get better" Gemma said. "Hope she gets better soon. I'll come to the ward straight from college to see her," Mikey said.

"Mikey, this bug is nasty and very contagious. I'm not sure we are allowed visitors currently, even if we are in a room, but thanks. I will let Katie know you are thinking of her" Gemma said. "That's understandable." Mikey said. They chatted for a few minutes before Mikey had to say bye as his next class was going to start. Mikey went to his next classes and tried to do his best in them. He was glad to have news about his sister but was still worried about her. Even more now he knew he couldn't visit her in the ward.

Gemma updated Zayn through text after ending the call with Michael and seeing she had a missed call and a text from him. "Sorry to hear about Katie. Give her a kiss from me, and wish her better. My migraine has gone thanks, just had breakfast" Zayn replies. "That's good. I will give her your wishes and kiss," Gemma replies. Gemma then shuts her eyes being exhausted.

After messaging his wife and finishing his toast Zayn decides to shower and hope that makes him feel better too. Even though his migraine has gone he feels a bit meh. He finishes his shower and goes to sit in the lounge. Zayn turns the TV on and watches it. Tricia was in the kitchen washing what they used for having breakfast. Tricia joins Zayn. "Thanks mum but I'm good now" Zayn says. "I know, but I've not seen Mikey in ages. May wait till he gets home from college." Tricia says, knowing he has recovered from the migraine but to her Zayn still doesn't look 100%. Zayn nods and lets his mum be. The two find something to watch together.

They enjoy watching it together and chat as the show is on. Mikey arrives an hour later from college. "Hey dad, hey nan," Mikey says. "Hey man," Zayn said. "Mikey" Tricia smiled at his grandson and went to hug him. "How was college?" she asked. "Really good, how's Katie?" Mikey asked. "Spoke to mum earlier, not great" Zayn said. Mikey sighed. "Yeah, she can't have visits at the moment. Mum told me" he said. "I know, I wish I could go and see them," Zayn said. Mikey sat with them.

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