Chapter 21

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Over the next few days some of them improved. Harry still wasn't great but had improved and was more alert and asking for Louis. Anne didn't know how to tell him about Louis without setting Harry off due to the impact of the news. "Mum, haven't seen him in ages, is he ok?" Harry said. Anne sighed and told him what she knew about Louis. "Haz, Lou's in hospital with severe complications during surgery for appendicitis and having the bug at the same time." She said as calmly as possible, hoping for Harry to take the news the same way.

Harry tried to say something but was panicking which caused him to projectile vomit over the whole room. Anne just comforted her son and pressed the nurse's buzzer. A nurse came rushing in and upon seeing the state of the room and Harry, called for a janitor before walking in to help Anne with Harry. "He is ok, just got in a state after knowing about Lou," Anne whispered, getting her phone out to message Jay asking if there was a chance they could video call Lou or they speak on the phone. Jay texted back saying she would text and check with Fizzy as herself was already working. Harry was still throwing up as they held a bucket for him. "Shhhh let it out, try and calm down, Lou is ok," the nurse said. Harry takes a deep breath after the bout but doesn't fully come out of his panic yet.


Jay had recovered from the bug but passed it on to Lottie. Jay called for a nurse to come take care of her daughter. She wanted to avoid catching the bug again. She was also back working after being confirmed she was fully clear from the bug. She decided to only work part time to have the chance to check on her family the rest of the time. Fizzy stayed with Lou while her mum worked and checked on Lottie over the phone or by asking her mum whenever she saw Jay in the hospital. She had asked for permission at work since the first day she and Lottie visited Louis. Luckily, Lottie was on the mend from the bug. She was still staying at her mum's until being told she was free from it and she could go back to work.


Katie had gone into hospital to have a gastrostomy Jejunal tube (GJ tube) to be put in as she kept being sick and wasn't digesting any food. She also was still wearing pads as she had lost the sensation of when needing to go any of both ways. Gemma took care of her daughter every time she had an accident and also of her feeds which she was taught to do during their stay in the ward. They had been transferred back to Clover ward for this training.

Zayn had been transferred back to Clover ward too, which was good as Gemma now could go between Katie and him, after having an injection to help with migraines. He was also on medication to help with his low blood pressure. Gemma took care of giving them to her husband and, sometimes, Liam or a nurse helped with the injections when she got too nervous to do it herself.

Gemma was currently cuddling Katie who was asleep. She would later check on Zayn in his room at the adults ward. Clover ward have separate areas for each age group: elders, adults, adolescents and children but can sometimes break that.

Zayn felt ok so he asked his nurse if he could go and see his daughter. "I don't see why not I will grab you a wheelchair and no complaints." The nurse said. Tricia smiled that Zayn was having a good day. Zayn sighed but didn't complain and waited for the wheelchair. He really wanted to see his girl. The nurse brought a wheelchair over and helped Zayn into it and wheeled Zayn to Katie's room. Tricia followed them. Gemma was just changing Katie's pad as Zayn got wheeled in. He waited for his wife to finish before making his presence known. Gemma smiled at her husband and she got rid of the used pad and washed her hands.

"Daddy," Katie smiled. Zayn frowned slightly, being used to being called dad but didn't worry too much as he went and held the girl's hand. "Hi baby, how've you been?" He asked. Katie shrugged and let her mum talk for her. "She has been ok today, she is getting there slowly." Gemma said. Zayn smiled at his daughter and leant forward as best as he could to kiss her on the forehead. "You are so strong. Remember that," he said. Katie smiled at that and held her arms out for a cuddle. The nurse nodded and helped Zayn on to the bed. Zayn cuddled with his daughter. Gemma smiled at them. They sat there in silence for now. It was comfortable. Katie fell asleep in her dad's arms. Zayn smiled and soon fell asleep himself.

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