Chapter 30

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The game soon restarts and they are cheering for Tottenham. The other team had the ball and unfortunately they weren't able to stop them scoring their first goal shortening the difference.  Gemma could hear the second half had started but decided to stay with Zayn a bit longer as she knew her son wouldn't mind. A few minutes later Zayn started to wake up. "How you feeling?" Gemma asked him. "Better, how's the game going?" Zayn asked. "2-1, Tottenham winning. Mikey scored the second one for the team" Gemma said. "That's my boy, can we go back out? '' Zayn asked. "Yeah, let me call Abbey to come over and we can go back out" Gemma said. "Abbey,'' Gemma called.

Abbey left Sienna with Harper and went to see what Gemma wanted. "Yeah?" She asked. "Can you help me check Zayn over and onto the chair? He wants to go back and watch the rest of the game" Gemma said. Abbey checked Zayn and when she saw he was doing fine, she helped Gemma sit him in the wheelchair for Gemma to take him outside to watch the game. They went back outside and joined the others. Gemma helped Zayn back into a chair and sat next to them. Katie came and joined them and sat on the other side of his mum. "You feeling better?" Niall asked, coming over. "Yeah much" Zayn smiled. "That's good," Niall said before getting his phone out of his pocket to text his wife.

"Do you know how Harper is? Niall asked. "No, sorry, but Sienna had her." Gemma said. Niall nodded and they went back to enjoying the game. Ni was worried about Harper but knew Sienna and Abbey had her. Niall texted Sienna, asking her about the girl. Sienna replied with a picture of the sleeping girl. "Glad Harp is sleeping, let me know if you need anything" Niall replied just as Mikey scored again. Everyone cheered. Mikey looked over and beamed seeing both his parents there as he celebrated with his team mates. Niall sent Abbey and Sienna a picture of Mikey celebrating. "Mikey's second goal's celebration" he wrote under it.

Abbey had gone back over to check on Harper. Harper was still asleep and recovering from the low levels of sugar in her. Abbey checked the girl's vitals without waking her up. Abbey was happy with them. She left her to sleep until she felt ready to wake up. Sienna smiled as she saw the picture of Mikey celebrating his second goal.

As they all sat down from celebrating the goal Louis noticed Harry had gone very quiet. "You ok Haz? Do you need to go and lay down? Mikey will understand" Louis said, knowing there was around half an hour of the game left. Harry sighed and nodded. He didn't want to miss what was left of the rest of the game but felt he needed to lie down. "Yeah, can you help me ask someone to take me inside? Please." He asked.

"Anne," Louis called. Anne looked over and nodded, not even needing to be asked as she helped her son into the wheelchair and placed a bucket on the boy's lap as she wheeled him inside. Louis smiled thanking her and turned back to watch the game after kissing his husband.

Anne and Harry reached the room and Abbey came and helped them to lie Harry on the bed and on his side in case he needed to throw up. Anne sat next to Harry and rubbed his back. Harry shut his eyes but he was soon leaning over and threw up. Anne grabbed the bucket and held it for him. Sienna looked over and went to see if she needed any help. "Could you grab another bucket in case we need it?" Anne asked. Sienna nodded and went to grab a clean bucket. She brought it to the bed Harry was on and placed it beside it on the floor. Anne thanked her. Sienna went back to Harper.

Everyone enjoyed the rest of the match. Liam came over to his dad. "Is papa ok?" He asked. "He will be, he just needed a lie down" Louis said. Liam nodded. He waited for a bit before deciding to check on his papa and girlfriend. "I'm going to see him and Harp. Need anything?" He asked. "I'm all good" Louis smiled as his mum came and sat next to him. Liam nodded and went over to the room.

Liam walked into the room and saw both his papa and girlfriend lying down. He saw his grandma using the sponges to wash out his mouth. He headed over to his papa first. "Papa, it's Li, how you feeling?" Liam asked. Harry smiled at his son with his eyes still closed from exhaustion after having puked. "Feeling better, felt a little nauseous before and had to lie down for a bit. How's the game? Did it finish?" Harry asked. "Not yet. Glad you're feeling better, wanted to check on you and Harp" Liam said. "Tha...." Harry said, getting nauseous again. Liam grabbed the bucket and held it for his papa. Harry puked in it and groaned, feeling tired of it already and suspecting it wasn't due to his CVS anymore. He hoped he hadn't caught a bug or anything again. Liam and Abbey comforted him. Anne looked over worried as well and wanting some answers. She chose to let Harry decide when to look for answers himself. She waited for Harry to stop vomiting before washing his face with sponges again.

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