Chapter 38

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The next two days were rough for Louis. He had a few seizures and struggled with not being able to move his legs. The dr came to review him. "Hey when can I go back to Clover ward at Crystal Lace?" Louis asked, missing his husband and son. "Hopefully soon. I know you have struggled the last few days, but you are improving." The doctor said. Louis sighed with relief. "Can't wait to be back with my hubby and son" Louis said. "You will be back with them under the same roof and if everything goes as planned, will also be back home soon." The doctor added. Louis sighed hoping it will be soon. The doctor left to check on other patients, leaving Louis to rest. Louis missed his family. "Mum, can we video call Haz?" he asked. Of course" Jay says, grabbing her phone and video calling Harry.


Harry and Liam were both doing better so had gone up to the flat that day. Anne and Robin joined them there for lunch. Harper had come over and was cuddled up to Liam watching tv. Gemma, Zayn, Mikey and Katie were also joining them. Mikey and Katie were also watching tv with the others.

Sienna and Niall declined, not wanting to overwhelm Harry or Lou with too many people there. They decided to take Amber out for the day. "Where would you like to go?" Sienna asked her daughter. Amber had a think before deciding on going to the shops. They walked to the shopping center and each took different ways. Sienna and Amber went together while Niall went to look for something he could buy for himself before joining his wife and daughter again later. Amber was looking at the clothes in her favorite shop and found some clothes to try on. She was thankful to do this without any of the inconveniences from the last time. She went to the dressing hall and walked into a cubicle. Amber tried a skirt and a blouse on and showed her mum. "Those are super cute" Sienna said. She helped her into the rest of the clothes. Some don't fit Amber so they don't get them. They get the first outfit Amber tried on. They go to pay for them. Soon Niall joined them when they left the shop.

"Where do you want to go now?" Sienna asked. Amber had a thought. Amber thought for a bit before deciding on going to buy some makeup for her and her sister. Sienna smiled and they went into a shop. Niall went with them also wanting to look and buy something for his daughters.

They found the nail varnishes and Amber chose a color for herself and one for Harper. "Anything else you want to buy? You can take whatever you want" Sienna said. Niall was looking around. He had picked some things he had seen them using when doing their makeup and were already running out of. He had also secretly grabbed some varnishes for Harry seeing some colours he would like. After paying, they went to find something to eat.

"What isn't going to upset my tummy?" Amber asked. Niall and Sienna looked at the menu. "Maybe a sandwich with no cheese on it and some juice." Niall offered. "What filling won't upset my tummy." Amber asked as she nodded. "Veggies and chicken, maybe" Sienna said. Amber nodded. They bought their food and went to look for a table to sit on and eat. Amber cautiously ate her lunch she had and ate about a quarter of what was on her plate. Neither Niall or Sienna forced her to eat more when they finished theirs and the sandwich remained untouched. Instead, they asked to have it packed as leftovers for later in case Amber wanted it.

They then did a bit more shopping before joining everyone else. They arrived at Harry and Louis' and rang the doorbell, waiting to be let in.


Back at Harry and Louis, Gemma joined her mum in the kitchen to help her with making food for everyone.

Abbey checked Harry's vitals and tubes before taking him to the lounge with everyone. Liam smiled as his dad was wheeled into the lounge. Abbey then helped Harry to the sofa. "What you watching?" Harry asked as Abbey placed a bucket near Harry just in case. "A comedy film." Katie said. Harry nodded and watched it with them.

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