Chapter 26

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Niall's phone went and he saw it was his wife and got up. "Hey Sienna, need me to come back up?" He said. "Yes, that will be great, Harper is throwing up again and Amber was all cuddled up to her. They were both asleep." Sienna said. "Will be there shortly. " Niall said. They soon finished the call and Niall excused himself. "Need to get back home. Harper threw up in her sleep while cuddling with Amber." Niall said, standing up from his seat. "Hope she is ok, let us know if you need anything" Zayn said getting up. Niall nodded and walked to the door with Zayn who then opened it for him.

Anne decided to check on Harry who was fast asleep on his side. She left him to sleep and went back to chat to the adults.

Mikey and Liam were chatting in Mikey's room, catching up with each other about everything they had been doing. Mikey didn't say his latest news.

Harry slept for around two hours before waking up and groaning as he leant over the bed hoping the bucket was there. He threw up in the bucket, leaving it on the floor as he didn't feel strong enough to pick it up. He called for his mum. Gemma got up hearing the vomit, thinking it was Katie and went into the bedroom and saw Harry throwing up. Some of the vomit got in the bucket, the rest of it missed and ended up on the floor. Gemma rushed over and grabbed the bucket and held it for Harry. Harry emptied his stomach in the bucket. Anne rushed into the bedroom having also heard the call and helped Gemma with Harry.

After they got Harry's face and the floor cleaned and used the sponges to wash harrys mouth out. Anne decided it was time to get him home. She helped him into the wheelchair and wheeled him out to Mikey's bedroom to ask Liam if he was coming to their flat with them. Liam got up and nodded and went to say bye to everyone. "Bag," Harry said urgently. Anne got a carrier bag quickly and held it for Harry as he was sick again. Anne comforted him. Harry threw up, almost filling the bag to the brim. Anne went to dispose of the bag.

Liam walked back to his papa after having said bye to everyone. "Feeling better? Ready to go?" He asked quietly. Harry shrugged not knowing.

"Li want to push papa or hold the bucket?" Anne said. She had grabbed it from the bedroom, having a feeling it would be used. "I'll grab it." Liam said and took it from his grandma. Harry held the package with his gifts for Louis on his lap. They went on their way.

Gemma had said her byes before going to check on Katie. Katie had woken up and was resting awake in her bed. "Hey how you feeling?" Gemma asked. "Ok, mum," Katie said. "Shall we check that pad and then go and watch tv?" Gemma suggested. Katie shrugged but then nodded accepting the offer as she was getting bored of being in bed. "In the lounge, please" she asked. "Of course" Gemma said as she changed her daughter's pad and disposed the used one and washed her hands before helping Katie into the lounge and they watched a film as a family.


Niall got up and used the stairs to get to their flat and opened the door. He went to find his wife to see what she needed. "A glass of water, a fresh bucket and then can you be with Amber?" Sienna said. Niall went to grab what Sienna needed and brought it to Harper's bedroom. He placed the bucket on the floor beside the bed and gave the glass of water to Sienna. Sienna helped Harper sip some water. She gargled the water and spat it into the bucket. Niall then washed the used bucket before washing his hands and going to see Amber. Sienna then helped Harper back into bed. Sienna soothed Harper back to sleep.

Niall walked into Amber's bedroom. Amber stood up from her desk and went to give her dad a cuddle. "Hi baby," Niall said. "Hi daddy," Amber said. Amber took her dad to her desk to show him her finished work. Niall was amazed at the work. Amber smiled proud of her drawings.

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