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This is story is a sequal to sickness within, however you don't need to have read that one to read this one.  I have written this with @belen2805

They live in this building where the families have their own flat, they have an extra room in case they need a nurse around to help. There is also a floor where people go if they need more medical attention than they can offer in the room. This is a type of hospital and is used by people that may need long term care. All flats are one level due to being accessible to all.

Family 1 - Tomlison family

Louis known as dad , 38 years old, he is loving, strict and caring husband and father. He gave birth to his son. It was a difficult time but they got through it. He works as . He is grateful to his and Harry's parents. Works at the hospital and helps the patients do singing and drama and sings if anyone needs it.  

Harry, 37 years old known as papa, is very grateful to his caring husband. He suffers from cyclic vomiting syndrome which can hit at any time. He also suffers from random bouts of sickness. He is incontinent and can't control his bladder and bowels so wears adult pads, due to his condition Harry suffers from both constipation and diarrhoea. He can walk short distances but suffers with chronic fatigue and tends to use a wheelchair to get around. Harry also has a G tube as he can't always eat and even when he does it small amounts so has top ups through his G tube most nights and during the day as needed.

Liam, 14 years old, is a very caring boy and helps his dad take care of his papa. He also wants to help people when he is older so helps out and volunteers out looking after people in the home they live in. From the age of around 4 he took an interest in helping his papa and was told if he was sick he was not always icky to feel if he was hot.

Family 2 - horan family

Niall 39 years old known as dad he is a very caring and laid back father. He is strict when he needs to be but also he's got his two girls wrapped around his little finger. He teaches people music and often plays to people.

Sienna, 36 years old known as mum is very caring and dotes on her two girls and enjoys girls days out with the pair when they can. Sienna is a nurse and helps with crafts as needed.

Harper, 13 years old, is very girly and enjoys doing her makeup and shopping. She was diagnosed with diabetes at 7 and has always had a phobia of needles and still does. As she is coming into her teen years her parents are letting her control her diabetes herself.

Amber is 10 years old and is quite young for her age. She is very cuddly. She adores her big sister and has been taught how to help her. She also loves shopping. She suffers with emetophobia and is very scared of being sick.

Family 3  - Malik-Styles 

Gemma 39 years old known as mum she is Harry's older sister and works as a social worker.   She helps out Louis and Harry when she can and doesn't live more than a five minute walk away.

Zayn 42 years known as dad owns his own art studio and makes his own pieces to sell.  He runs art classes at home a few times a month and is always willing to help with personal requests to do any art for people he helped design the floor with the hospital on to make it more welcoming and decorated it lovely.

Michael (Mike/Mikey for short) 17 years old he is in college studying sport.   He likes playing football/soccer which his uncle Louis taught him.  He has a try out for the local under 18 professional team coming up and hasn't told anyone.

Katie 14 years old very girly and likes going shopping, going out with her friends.  She is very close with her cousin Liam.  She is best friends with Harper.  She suffers with lactose intolerance really badly and suffers the time of the month to.

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