Chapter 5

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After getting Harry comfortable, Louis called Anne to check on Liam. Harry sat propped up rubbing his aching stomach, hoping the medicine will work soon, he grabbed the bucket beside him feeling very nauseous. The phone was just ringing, Louis sighed and put the phone down. Just as he was about to ring again he sighed as he noticed it was 6:30AM. He decided to leave it for now and go back to Harry. He sighed as he saw his husband leant over the bucket. "Shhhh, it's ok" Lou soothed. Harry soon threw up into the bucket which Louis was holding. Louis waited for Harry to finish vomiting. He helped Harry get rid of the taste of vomit with the sponges dipped in water and wiped it over his gums before he went to empty the bucket out and left it at reach.

"Haz, do you want me to call the ward to see if someone can come up and give you something stronger?" Louis asked. "I can't have anything stronger than what I already had. Remember the doctor said it can make my condition worse or damage something else. My body is already delicate as it is" Harry said, throwing up once more in the bucket. Louis sighed he had a feeling the laxative wouldn't work with how sick Harry had been, he knew Harry couldn't have anything else currently but was thinking later one of the nurses could give him a suppository with the same dose if this didn't work. He just comforted Harry's back as he threw up again.

"I'm going to give the nurses a ring as you are quite dehydrated now, I will check if they want me to put something through the tube or if they want to connect you to some fluids" Louis said. Harry nodded and threw up once more before catching a little break to breathe. Louis picked his phone up and called the ward above them hoping they would pick up immediately as he was getting really worried about Harry's health with how dehydrated he was.

Luckily they pick up almost straight away. Due to the nature of the place they have someone on admin by the phones all day and all night. "Hello" the receptionist says. "Hi it's Louis here from flat 9, I'm Harry Tomlison's husband. I was wondering if someone can check on my husband as he is very constipated and won't stop throwing up?" Louis says as he hears his husband being sick again. "Please, he is also really dehydrated from all the unstoppable vomiting," he said. "We are sending someone soon." The person on the phone said and pressed the button on the desk to call to the nurse's room. Once the nurse arrived at the desk they covered the speaker and explained the situation. "The nurse will be there in around 5 to 10 minutes." the receptionist said. Louis thanked her before putting the phone down.

One of the nurses walked over. "Hi, Carla. What do you need me for?" the nurse said. "Harry in flat 9 is really constipated, throwing up, and his husband is very concerned about him." the receptionist informed her. The nurse's ears pricked up when she heard it was Harry. "Doesn't sound like the stomach bug going round but be careful," the receptionist said. The nurse left and grabbed the things she would need.

Abbey was worried about Harry as she headed downstairs and got outside the flat. She used the key safe outside the flat to get the key and opened the door. "Harry, Louis, it's Abbey" she called. "In the bedroom" Louis called very glad it was someone who knew them. "Oh Harry," Abbey said as she saw the state of him. She immediately got herself ready and asked Louis what type of laxative and how long ago he gave it to Harry. After having all the information needed, she worked on Harry stabilising his vitals with fluids and other things through his port. She also helped Louis clean and sanitise the bedroom and bathroom before waiting for a little bit more to give him a laxative through his port he uses for medicines when unwell. Once it was the correct time to wait for the next dose, she passed the medicine through the port. "This will make you feel better soon, Harry," she said. She checked his vitals one last time and decided to stay with them to help Louis when the laxative works.

It is now around 9AM and Anne wakes up and looks at her phone. She panics when she sees a missed call from Louis at around 6:30 AM. She carefully gets up and goes into the lounge in her bungalow that she still lived in having bought it just before Harry came back from the hospital when he was younger and rings Louis. Louis picks up.

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