Chapter 17

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Once the school nurse and Sophie got Harper's sugars stable for now Liam helped walk Harper out to the car as Sophie took her bags. Sophie gave her granddaughter the bucket as Liam sat Harper in her seat and helped her do the belt up. Liam then said bye to Harper. Sophie thanked Liam before driving back to her daughter and son-in-law's place. Liam walked back to his last lesson as the bell had rung. Sophie drove slowly keeping an eye on her granddaughter. Harper went both ways on the journey. She groaned as she felt awful. Sophie tried to get her granddaughter home soon. However there was traffic on the road they couldn't do anything about. Sophie tried to find a shortcut, but couldn't find one. She was very worried about her granddaughter.

They stayed trapped in traffic for a few more minutes. They soon turned the corner and were back on route. Sophie parked up a few moments later and then saw a text from Niall to take Harper to Clover ward. Sophie helped the girl out of the car and up to Clover ward without stopping at the flat. They were seen by Kim, the receptionist, who called one of the nurses over and they led her into a room after giving Sophie a facemask and gloves to wear, where Sophie got the girl cleaned and changed out of her uniform into a hospital gown and a pad. She put the dirty underwear and uniform in a plastic bag to take them to wash later. The nurse inserted a cannula straight away and checked the girl's blood sugar which was low. A dr was there immediately and prescribed a glucose drip. The nurse connected this and then checked the girl's vitals. Sophie hoped for Harper's sugar to be normal soon.

Harper had fallen asleep. Sophie stayed with her, updating Niall through texts. Niall thanked her. Harper threw up in her sleep. Sophie helped the nurse wake the girl up and help her sit down to finish puking while they comfort her. Harper groaned as she threw up. The nurse waited to check her vitals. She wasn't happy with them and got a dr to review Harper. The dr walked into the room and reviewed Harper before prescribing different medicines to stabilise Harper's vitals that wouldn't mess up with the girl's diabetes. Harper then fell asleep when the medicines were changed. Sophie took the moment as a chance to rest too. The nurse kept an eye on Harper as she slept. Harper slept peacefully with only a few accidents in her sleep.

Sophie woke up and asked the nurse how Harper was doing. "She is doing fine. Her levels are slowly getting there. Only a few accidents in her sleep," The nurse said. Sophie sighed with relief and updated Niall and asked how Amber and Sienna were. Niall updated his mother-in-law. "Glad Sienna Is feeling better" Sophie text back just as Harper stirred. Sophie went to the girl's side.

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Liam went to class but was very worried about his crush. He had geography lesson. He sat to try and listen to the lesson and do his work. He just wanted school to be over already. He felt the hour went for too long before finally the last bell rang and he flew out of the room to the entrance door to wait to be picked up. It wasn't too long before Robin pulled up to take Li back to his. Liam got in the car saying hi to his grandad. "Hi Li, I'm taking you to mine." Robin said as he started the car and began driving after Liam closed the car's door, wanting to tell the news about Louis to his grandson carefully.

"How's dad?" Liam asked, not having had a chance to check in after Harper got sick. "Not great, don't panic but turns out he also had appendicitis." Robin said. "Oh no, is he ok? And how is papa?" Li said. "Last I heard he is in surgery at the hospital," Robin said. "Who's with dad? can we go visit him?'' Liam asked. "Your nana is with him, we can't visit him currently, we will wait to hear about him" Robin said. Liam sighed. "How's papa taken the news?" Liam asked. "I'm not sure, I spoke with grandma not long ago and your papa was ok but not sure he knew as had only just told grandma" Robin said. Liam sighed and nodded worriedly. He would let his grandma tell his papa about his dad.

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