Chapter 1 - introduction of Larry family

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This was written by myself and belen2805

It was a Saturday morning and Harry woke up. He felt slightly nauseous and leant to grab the bucket that was beside his bedside. Louis woke up to this movement and grabbed the bucket and held it as Harry was a little sick. Harry then pushed the bucket away as Louis passed him some water and fussed over his husband as he disconnected his feed from his G tube that ran overnight. "Lou I feel fine, just need a change" Harry said as he blushed slightly having a wet pad. Due to having overnight feeds and Harry not always waking at night he wore adult pullups or pads most nights. Louis got up, having placed the bucket down as he got supplies. "Haz underwear or another pad?" Louis asked. "Underwear." Harry replied. Louis grabbed the supplies and some fresh clothes. Louis then went and helped Harry into his wheelchair and into the bathroom. "Fancy a bath?" Louis asked. Harry nodded and Louis ran the bath as he undressed Harry and sat him on the toilet. 'Can we go out today?" Harry asked. "Sure. Should we ask Li or is it for just the two of us?" Louis asked, helping Harry get wiped and into the bath. "All of us, not had a family day in ages, the last one I was sick" Harry replied. Louis let Harry soak for a bit before helping him wash his hair and body.

Meanwhile, Liam was getting ready in his room, having the habit of waking up and being out of bed early. They were lucky as they had two en-suite rooms. Liam had a quick shower before getting dressed. He then went to make himself some breakfast and his dad a cup of tea not sure if his papa would want anything that morning. He then knocked on his parents door and didn't hear anything so opened the door and saw neither parent in the room. He placed the tea down on the bedside table. "Dad, your tea is on your bedside table, does papa want anything?" Liam called. "Haz, do you want anything?" Louis asked as his husband shook his head no. "Thanks and no thanks" Louis called out. "I'll be in the kitchen having breakfast. Give me a shout if you need anything, please" Liam said and waited for his dad and papa to reply before walking outside the bedroom.

Louis called out thanks to Liam before checking if Harry was ready to get out. Harry nodded yes. Louis helped Harry out and wrapped him in a towel and sat Harry on the now closed toilet seat before pulling the plug out. Louis then helped Harry get dried and dressed before helping Harry into the wheelchair and wheeling him into the lounge. "Haz, want to stay on your chair or sit on the sofa?" Louis asked. "Sofa, please" Harry said as he unbuckled the seatbelt from around himself. Liam walked to the lounge to help his dad move his papa to the sofá after having everything cleaned in the kitchen. Louis went to get his tea from the bedroom and sat down with his family.

Louis enjoyed his tea as Harry cuddled into his husband. "Li what time are you volunteering this afternoon as papa thought it'd be good to go out for a bit and have a family day." Lou said. "That's great, at 3" Liam replied. "So will be back around 2:30ish, what do you people want to do" Louis asked before asking Harry to move his head so he can get up and make some breakfast for himself. "Harry, want some toast or something?" Louis asked. "No, I'm good," Harry said. No one was worried as Harry barely ever had breakfast due to his overnight feed that he had most nights as his body doesn't digest food correctly. Louis went and made himself a bowl of cereal and sat and ate as they discussed what to do that day. Liam grabbed a notepad and a pen from the coffee table and jotted down the ideas they were throwing to set a plan with them. Things like a walk in the park, bowling, cinema, fishing, picnic, mini football match were amongst a few ideas thrown out. Louis finished his breakfast and told the others he was getting ready and then they would make the final decision. Everyone agreed and waited for Louis to be ready.

While Louis was getting ready Harry informed Liam he would be staying at his grandma's that night after his volunteering as it was their anniversary the next day. Liam nodded, liking the idea of staying a night with his grandma as he has always enjoyed his time with her ever since he was a baby as she used to babysit him.

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