Today was the day , the one you've been both nervous and excited for . You were starting your new post as a scientist in the avengers compound . The contents of life packed the night before ready and waiting for the movers . A new chapter in your life after being a scientist in shield the last five years working along side your god father / boss nick fury . Born enhanced you became a target for the worst of the worst in the world . Daughter of two enhanced parents or mutant parent depending on your stance on the issue . Logan howlett or as the world knew him as wolverine or your late mother jean grey you were born with their abilities but choose the life of being a scientist it was safer option . You came to shield wanting to help out more in a more controlled envoirment the only deal your father made with you was to keep in touch . He didn't want to lose touch with you at all not after everything .
"Well if it isn't my favourite agent , you sure you wanna leave us here " director fury smiled knowing your stubborn little ass was dead set on this. " uncle nick as much as i love it here they have a multiplex of lab for me to play in over in the compound " winking at the laughing director . even though you weren't biologically related to fury you saw him as family hell your own father was in world war 2 with nick fury snr the ties ran deep . " you do realise your dad will have my head if anything happens to you kitten " he joked but knowing there was truth to his statement . " He knows and he knows that he can visit anytime hell im sure he'll be at the compound before i will " she laugh nervously cause that would be the most likely situation . " Also before i go im going to do my routine of the cafe and bookstore today so he will have to wait " . " Im coming to so consider it my treat i'll have your bike dropped to the compound " his voice in that no nonsense tone you knew you couldn't fight him on it . As you both ate breakfast the usual big scary director fury was like a big soft teddy bear in your presence , his mind wandered to when he got that call all those years ago . you were 2 years old when logan rang to call in a favour . They had found out that stryker had taken you to finish was he started with your father . When they found him he had passed you on to the red room and then hydra by time they rescued you , you were 16 years of age seeing so much misery in the world , it was only natural he became protective of you. he remember all of that like it was yesterday hence why he told tony he would visit often to the compound and it wasn't asking as would logan . " hey you ready you go " your voice sweetly taken him from his train of thoughts .Gathering the last of your things you shakily exhaled looking back at your little home the past five years. " You know you can change your mind and stay no shame in it kitten " his voice hopeful . " Hell no i'm just nervous seriously i'll be fine , Nat will be there and Clint i'll be fine " your voice betraying your false bravery . " yeah Romanoff has been excited since tony told the team you would be coming " . Natasha Romanoff not only a familar tie to shield but she was a former member of red room took you under her wing as a little sister or daughter since she tended to mother you alot you didn't mind you loved her alot made your transition in shield a hell of alot easier and she wasn't even an agent there anymore .
After saying goodbye to the other agents and members of shield and promising maria you'll constantly keep in touch ,you and the director set off on you morning routine. " You promise my baby will be dropped over " she asked staring out the window at scenes before them . " i promise kitten damn you really are you fathers daughter that bike is no short being your baby " fury barked out laughing. " Excuse you that is my baby " she gasped mockingly . Pulling up to the store she dance excitely in her seat and bounced around the director making him laugh louder she was like a child going to a candystore . she was like a ray of sunshine with a sarcastic streak that would put Tony stark to shame , but she was very powerful and would put mighty thor on his back . He didn't say it often but she did bring some good in his life and made him prouder than he would admit .
" Are my eyes deceiving me or did i just see director nick fury laughing like a human ..... and with a hotty in his presence " Sam said rubbing his eyes at the scene before . " Did you hit you head too hard bird brain " Bucky quipped turning around to his friend. " Nah tinman i saw it with my own eyes come on i'll show you " he headed off . " where you two going " natasha called coming out of the store following the idiots before her . " Probably med bay Sams seeing things he think he say fury on a date " Bucky chuckled . the three of them hid from view as they did see the director being like a normal civilian the girl her back turned to the shelves searching for the many books. " Anyone else freaked out or is it just me " sam asked but not the only one now wide eyed . That was til you turned around looking toward their direction smiling at the widow. " he's not on a date you idiots " nat smirked walking into the store leaving the men confused . " hey KOTeHOK , hey fury " nat smirked . " hey nat what brings you here " your smile widening at her presence . " was looking for a present for you actually but since your here go pick out a few more books on me " she smiled looking at your excited state . her phone beeping taken her attention off you both . " shit KOTeHOK i gotta go i'll see you later yes " she said running out the store gone before you could answer . " well i guess i'll see her later , ready to go get coffee i need it " your voice again betraying your by showing the nerves. " yes kitten come on i'll get these and we get you caffienated and something sweet " he smiled watching you bounce to the counter. the large pile of romance stories and science journals nearly hid her from the cashier who was well used to her purchases . "are you going to read all of them " fury asked in disbelief . " every single one i love learning more in my field and also all work no play makes things shit or whatever the saying goes " she joked making the cashier giggle . " i wonder who was with Nat i could sense different scents with her " you ask curiously not out of fear just usually only would see Nat with Clint or maria.
Nat and the boys were called to help Maria getting information and transport the hydra agents. " Oh if it isn't the kitten burglars "Maria mocked accusing them . " Is everyone losing it today first Sam thinks fury's a sugar daddy and now you're accusing us of stealing cats " Bucky muttered to himself loud enough for rest to hear leaving maria wide eyed and slightly curious . " Sam saw kitten and fury together " Nat said filling the blanks . " Our best scientist reduced to being a sugar baby after few hours of leaving " maria dramatic performance made even bucky chuckle. " Wait that hotty is a scientist damn i should of paid attention in school " . " Your not dating the new avengers scientist i will kill you and make it look like an accident " nat glared . " Hold the fuck up she's the new science bro " he asked mouth nearly falling off it was open that wide . " come on bird brain head in the game " bucky snapped . " ahh shit that means logan wont be visiting here " the realisation hitting and breaking maria's heart more at your departure. "Oh shit i didn't think of that damn your losses are our gains " nat smirked leaving the two men more and more confused . " again we have work to do chatter after we get this done i wanna go home as soon as possible i hate dealing with these hydra scum " bucky snapped. They all shared a look and headed toward the interrogation room ready to get these scum to open up and on the raft as soon as possible .

Stand tall ( BUCKY X READER )
FanfictionYN Howlett daughter of the great logan wolverine howlette and jean grey has been brought to the avengers compound as one of the science bros . even though tony wanted her on the team one way or another even if meant in the lab for now . with...