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Chapter 2

"Tae, you almost got me and yourself fired." Y/n exclaimed. Taehyung opened the car door for Y/n.

"I was just showing my love to my wife." Taehyung smiled. Y/n sit in the car. Taehyung sits on his seat and helps Y/n wear the seatbelt. He bent and kissed her stomach. "How's my baby?"

"Really naughty, I can feel it kicking me all the time." Y/n said. She was pregnant. Y/n was already chubby, so they couldn't really tell if she was pregnant.

"Good baby, your momma annoys daddy too." He talked to her stomach. Y/n hit his shoulder.

"Hey, when did I annoy you?" Y/n crossed her arms.

"You don't give me time." Taehyung pouted. Y/n smiled and pecked his lips.

"Now, I am quitting my job. So I will give you all my time." Y/n said. Taehyung started the car.

"Did you talked to Mr. Kim already?" Taehyung asked. "You should quit now, it's already 5 months, and it will take another month for you to teach another housekeeper."

"I will tell him tomorrow,"

They went back home. They have a small but pretty house. Taehyung already prepared the room for the baby. And both are excited.

She changed her clothes. They both don't spend much time together, Y/n leaves really early, before Namjoon wakes up. To prepare his breakfast and coffee.

Taehyung's job is hectic too.

But still Taehyung and Y/n have a really cute relationship. And they always find time when they are not working.

It always feels nice to be in each other's arms at night. It feels like home.


Namjoon saw a shopping bag in his room and his card.

"I got you more suits. Yesterday I forgot to give you, see if you like them." Y/n said.

"Thanks, I don't need to see it. You choose it, so I know they will look good on me." Namjoon exclaimed. "You didn't buy anything for yourself? If you went shopping, you should have bought something for yourself too."

"No, it's fine." She replied. Namjoon gives her his card for groceries, shopping and everything that is needed for the house. He allowed her to use it for shopping for herself, but she never buys anything for herself.

"Can you pack my stuff? I am leaving for a business trip today." Namjoon said. "Taehyung is coming with me too, it's a three day trip. It was a sudden trip, I just informed him. Do you want to join us?"

"No, I don't think I can. I need to talk to you." She doesn't remember going on a trip for years. But she is pregnant right now. She would rather stay at home than going on a trip. "I will pack your stuff first." Y/n said and left.

She wants to talk to him? He was curious about what she wanted to talk to him about. She never said it like that.

Y/n packed his luggage. Namjoon doesn't need to tell her what he needs and what he does not. After packing all the things he possibly needs. She closed the luggage.

She served him breakfast. "When are you leaving?"

"Flight is at 10 A.M." He told her. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Yeah, right. Mr. Kim, I want to quit the job." She said, Namjoon, stop eating.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" He asked.

"No, I-"

"Whatever it is. We can work this out. I can increase your salary. Or just tell me what you want to do to not quit the job." He felt like it was the end of the world when she said she wanted to quit the job.

"No, I don't need anything Mr. Kim. I don't think I would need this job anymore. I started working here when I was in college, but still I continue working because I enjoyed it. Now I am pregnant and want to focus more on my family." Y/n said.

"What? You are pregnant?" He couldn't tell, she was chubby. He noticed her gaining a little more weight. But he didn't even think that was because she is pregnant.

He felt so weird in this body. He doesn't know what makes him so unhappy about this news. He is happy that she is pregnant, but it's not his baby. That just reminds him they have no relationship.

"Yes," she smiled.

"Oh god you are pregnant! And you were still working so much? Come sit here." He made her sit on the chair. "You didn't even inform me. But Y/n, how will I manage without you?"

How will he manage without seeing her smile every morning? How will he manage without her? No he can't even imagine his life without her.

"I know, I will help you find someone else. And treat them. I promise I will not leave until the new housekeeper learns everything."

He can't tell her to not leave. The contract says she can leave the job for personal reasons.

"You can stay here, I will take care of you instead."

Y/n chuckled, "What? I know you are used to me working for you, but you will find a better housekeeper than me."

Y/n looked at time. "It's already 8:15, I will make your coffee before you leave."

She left, she knows he drinks one more cup of coffee when he has a flight.

Namjoon was scared. It seems just too scary to even imagine Y/n never working for him. He took a deep breath.

He is panicking for no reason, he can give her leave for a few months and then after birth she can start working for him again. He will convince her and Taehyung.

"Have a safe trip." Y/n said. He stared at her. Namjoon was leaving for the airport now. Taehyung came to his house.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim." Taehyung greeted me. Namjoon just stared at Taehyung. Namjoon sat in the car. "Mr. Kim, in just one minute, I will be back."

Taehyung left the car, he ran to Y/n.  its usual that Namjoon suddenly brings Taehyung to business trips and Taehyung is his assistant so he didn't question Namjoon.

But he couldn't leave without saying bye to Y/n. He hugged Y/n, he kissed her cheeks. "Bye, bye, bye. Take care of yourself, the baby and these cheeks of yours."

Taehyung gives a quick peck on her lips. Y/n hugged him again. "I will miss you. Have a safe flight."

"Please rest now and take care of yourself and the baby. I love you."

Namjoon just stared at them from his car. He clenched his fist. It felt like Taehyung was kissing his wife and he wanted to break his face.

"Now leave, you will be late now." Y/n give a last peck on Taehyung's cheek.

Taehyung ran back to the car. "Sorry." He smiles blushing a little.

The driver started the car. Y/n waved to them as they left.

Namjoon looked at Taehyung. 'Who gives you permission to make her pregnant?'

Namjoon felt like it is something
"What?" Taehyung looked at him confused.

Namjoon took a deep breath. "She told me she is pregnant and wants to quit." 

"Yeah, we are really happy for the baby. And now Y/n wants to focus on the baby. " Taehyung said.

Namjoon feels sad but he can't be selfish. They are starting a new family. Y/n has done so much for him for the past 5 years.

"Congratulations. I am happy for you."

But he is sad for himself.


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