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Chapter 12

Taehyung looked around the penthouse, it was Taehyung's favorite apartment of Namjoon. He bought it just a few months ago located in Cheongdam, Gangnam district in Seoul, which is the most expensive apartment of Korea.

"You liked it, so it's your now." Namjoon said.

"What? Really?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes, of course. You agreed so should we talk about more professional stuff?" Namjoon looked at his new assistant, who took out a paper and give it Taehyung.b

Taehyung's heartbeat rose as he looked at the contract. Is he doing the right thing?

He read the contract, it says that Namjoon will have full right on his child. But Taehyung hesitated, how can he give his child?

"Why you want the child?" Taehyung asked.

"As she is the mother, I am sure she must want to live with her child, I am sure she doesn't want to distance from her child and I want to live with her. Don't worry, I will give your child everything, all the love he or she deserves." Namjoon said.

"I am father too,"

"Right, but father don't share the bond mother does. You will get over it and forget your child. If not, you can have another child with another woman." Namjoon replied.

She is his wife and what about his child?

But Taehyung sometimes feels left out, they have an amazing relationship and they are incredibly cute but now he can't shrug off the feeling that Namjoon and Y/n had been closer to each other than Taehyung ever was.

He feels insecure, now. Taehyung unconsciously has a mindset that Y/n should have worshiped him, because he was with Y/n even when she didn't find the standards.

"Just curious, Does money matter more than your wife and child?" Namjoon asked. Namjoon was curious, does it matter that much?

"If it didn't matter, we both wouldn't be at this position. You are rich so you have the power to even buy someone's wife and child." Taehyung replied. Namjoon nodded his head.

"Take your time to read it, but you have to sign it today, I can't wait anymore." Namjoon said.

"Why? Why do you like her so much? She is average and chubby." Taehyung asked. Namjoon chuckled.

"You are the type who treats Diamonds
like a stone. You are calling her average, that shows that you don't deserve to be with her. I would love to treat her, and your child the way they deserve to. I will put them Before me." Namjoon replied.

"You are saying because you never had to work hard to become rich, you were born rich, that is why you want what you can't have." Taehyung said. He looked at the contract again, it favors Taehyung.

Taehyung doesn't have to go up slowly, this contract will make sure that he gets instant success. He will get his favorite apartment that Namjoon owns, luxurious car and CEO position.

Unless he wants to break the contract. If he did, then he would have to pay Namjoon 30 billion won. And he would take back everything Namjoon gave to him.

Just one condition, he will do what Namjoon says, he will not try to claim his child, or Y/n. And keep this a secret.

Taehyung decided to sign the contract. Namjoon smiled and shook hands with Taehyung. "Good decision, you get what you want and I will get what I want."


Y/n was at home, she looked at the time. Is Taehyung that mad at her? He didn't even call her, ask her where is she? He doesn't even know what happened to Y/n. It just makes her sad.

Her eyes got filled with tears, thinking what would have happened if Namjoon hadn't brought her to hospital in time.

Taehyung never was rude to her, he was always sweet to her. She wiped her tears, she has a hope, Taehyung doesn't know yet but she is sure he would be really sad if he gets to know he hurt Y/n.

She looked at the door as it opened and saw Taehyung. She waited. They have been in arguments before, and Taehyung would leave like this but when he comes back, he would apologize to her. And shower her with kisses and cuddles.

But this time he didn't, Y/n decided to talk first. "Are you gonna ignore me?"

"Like you always ignore me." He replied.

"Me? When did I ignore? You know what happened today?" She asked. He looked at her.

"What's my favorite color?" Taehyung asked.

"What? What the hell Taehyung."

"What is my favorite color, Y/n?" Taehyung asked again.

"You don't have a favorite color." Y/n replied. Which made Taehyung chuckled.

"I have a favorite color Y/n, you never asked. What is Namjoon's favorite color?" Taehyung asked.

Indigo, she knows it. What Namjoon likes.

"Taehyung, why does it matter?" She asked.

"It matters, you know more about him than your own husband." Taehyung said.

Y/n looked at him, she couldn't control her tears this time and started crying. "Taehyung why are you saying such things? You know how much I love you! I know about Mr. Kim because I worked for him. But don't compare yourself to him. Because Its different, I love you, not him."

Taehyung looked at her, it feels real. And he knows it is, Y/n loves him. And he loved her too. "Okay, relax stop crying,"

Taehyung tried to touch her but she pushed his hand away. "Don't, you know you pushed me before leaving, and I end up getting hurt. We could have lost our baby if Mr. Kim hadn't come on time."

She cried and told. "What really?" Taehyung said. He hugged her tightly. " Y/n I am so sorry. You are okay now right?"

He cupped her face, she shook her head. "I hate you, how can you say all the mean things to me?"

"Oh, I am sorry." Taehyung kissed her forehead, he kissed her stomach.

"I am so sorry. I promise to not."

She hugged him back while crying.

He promised, but he knows this too. He has to act opposite to his promise and do everything Namjoon's say.


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