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Chapter 3

I have interviewed some people and might have found someone who I could replace myself with. I just need to teach them now.

"We will start learning from tomorrow." I told the new housekeeper Mina, it's upon Mr. Kim if he hires her or not but I think she is perfect.

I looked at the time, I decided to go back home after getting some groceries.

Mr. Kim doesn't really like having maids or staff. Before hiring me, he was doing everything on his own. He owns a huge house. And working alone is hard. But I enjoyed my work.

Nowadays, I noticed I get tired really quickly. It's better if I find a replacement. I can't work while I am pregnant.

It would be really hard to find another housekeeper that he likes. He has a really specific routine, he doesn't like it if you are late.

I have never been in a place where he got mad at me. But I am sure he will get irritated if things don't go the way he likes.

I packed my car, as I was about to unbuckle the belt. I felt something crash into the car.

The whole car moved. I was shocked. I didn't get any injuries, so I opened my belt and got out of the car and saw another car which had crashed at the back of the car. The other car got bumped into mine while I was parked so it wasn't my fault. I was parking in the correct place.

I saw an old man running towards the run. He bowed to me while apologizing."Omo, I am so sorry. I caused such damage to your car. I am sorry. I forgot to pull down the handbrake. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am okay." That was scary, I could have died or lost my baby. Thankfully the accident only damaged the car and I was fine.

He bowed again and again. "I will pay for the damage, I am sorry. It is my fault."

He looked really worried, and the car number plate was of a rented car number. So that car wasn't his either and he doesn't look well off. "It's fine, don't worry."

"Don't worry, your car got damaged."

The police officer came and started an investigation to figure out whose fault it was.

My one day off from work has gone to waste. Now I have to deal with insurance of car and other things m

I was more worried about the baby, I was feeling okay but still I want to go to the hospital to check if the baby is fine.


Taehyung was on the edge today.

Because Namjoon was getting mad over small things and yelling at Taehyung. So he knew he was pissed off over something.

They were going back to the hotel after the meeting. It was night time, so they were tired. They couldn't even sleep after their flight.

Taehyung got a phone call. He looked at Namjoon. "Can I take this call?"

He was at work, so he asked Namjoon permission first before taking a personal call. Namjoon nodded his head, he thought it could be Y/n. And she might need something.

Taehyung talked on the phone, he was talking formally so it must not be Y/n. "One more call."

Namjoon acted like he was focused on his iPad, while he was trying to know what was happening.

Then he called Y/n. "Y/n, are you okay? I got a call from the car insurance company. What happened to the car?"

Y/n didn't inform Taehyung right away because she doesn't want to make him worried.

~"I am fine Tae, I got in a little accident."

"Accident? Oh my god?! Y/n are you okay? Is the baby fine?-"

Namjoon took the phone from Taehyung.

"Y/n are you okay? You didn't get any injuries right?" Namjoon asked. He felt like his heart stopped while thinking of her getting hurt in any way possible.

~"Mr. Kim? Yeah I am fine. I am in hospital right now-"

"Hospital?" Namjoon looked at the driver. "Turn to the airport we are going back."

~"What? No! No. I am fine."

"I will not believe it until I see it myself."

Y/n opened the door, it was 5 in the morning. She was truly not expecting Taehyung and Namjoon. They were supposed to go on their business trip, they left for a 7 hours flight, yet Namjoon canceled it and came back.

This is the first time Namjoon canceled his business trip but at that moment, Y/n was the most important to him.

Taehyung was about to hug her as soon as she opened the door. But Namjoon hugged her first. "Oh my god, are you fine? You are not hurt right? You know how worried I was?"

"Mr. Kim? What are you doing here?" She asked.

Namjoon looked at her face, and looked for injuries. He looked at her eyes again. "You sure? Are you fine?"

"Yes, I am." Y/n looked awkward, and Namjoon realized it. He let go of her. Taehyung then hugged her, and kissed her forehead. "What are you guys doing here? You were supposed to be on a business trip."

"I canceled it. You were in the hospital." Namjoon said. Y/n was shocked. She knows how important his work is for him, and he never cancels anything for anyone.

"No, I told you I was okay. I went to the hospital just to make sure the baby is alright. And everything was good. You shouldn't have come." Y/n said.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked.

"Just a small accident. I parked my car but then suddenly another car crashed into mine. The person forgot to pull down the handbrake." Y/n told them.

"What? How careless?! How can anyone make such a stupid mistake! I will not leave him! What could have possibly happened to you? I will make sure they rot in jail for the rest of their lives!" Namjoon exclaimed, anything couldn't have happened because of this carelessness. He could have lost Y/n forever! She could have gotten injured! Anything could have happened!

This is the first time Y/n was seeing him mad.

"It's fine. I am okay, don't Worry." Y/n said.

"Yes, Y/n is fine. Don't worry. You can go home and rest now. You haven't slept." Taehyung exclaimed.

She looked at the time. "Yeah, I will come with you. It's almost 6, since you are back I should get back to work."

As much as Namjoon wanted to bring her with him, he refused. "No, it's fine. You should rest."

"But how will you manage? I am okay."

"I will manage by myself, you should rest. Your health is more important." Namjoon said.

"He is right, you should rest."

Y/n smiled. "I will ask the new housekeeper to help you today."

"No, don't send anyone. I want to be alone today." Today he is planning to just drink and think of Y/n.

Namjoon left their house, he took a deep breath. He feels pain in his heart. He felt sad for no reason.

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