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Chapter 6

"What?" Taehyung must have heard wrong.

"I want your wife and child." He repeated.

Taehyung looked at him shocked. "Is it a joke?"

"It's not a bad offer right? You can get everything you dream of. And I will get everything I dream of in return. Y/n and your child will be really happy with me, I will give them a perfect life." Namjoon said.

"It is a bad offer! Really bad offer. Why would I give my wife and child? Mr. Kim, what are you saying?" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Look Taehyung, I am a really straight forward guy. Y/n has become a really important part of my life. She suddenly left, and now my life is empty. I want to be with her. I want to make her my wife."

"She is my wife! Mr. Kim, I think you are drunk. You are being absurd. And she is pregnant."

"Think about it, you can have it all or I can take everything you own. Either I will do everything to have Y/n. Because she is mine." Namjoon said. Taehyung stood up.

"I should leave." Taehyung was about to leave Namjoon's office.

"If you step out, you will be fired." Namjoon said. Taehyung glared at him, and left the office.

Namjoon sighed. "Stupid decision, Taehyung. My Y/n has to suffer during pregnancy because of you too."

He swung and turned to the glass, he looked at the view from his office. He smiled,"I will have my own family soon."

"Tae, you came home early today." Y/n asked. He doesn't know if he should tell Y/n he got fired because he didn't accept the money offer for Namjoon.

He hugged her. "I thought I should take care of you more. How are you feeling? And how's the baby?"

Y/n smiled, "Mr. Kim send you home early? Yes the baby is perfectly fine. Still kicking me a lot. It's hurts."

"So naughty right? Remind me of a girl name Y/n." Taehyung joked. Y/n slapped his arm.

"How am I naughty?" She asked. Taehyung smiled and kissed her forehead.

Everything will fine. He loves Y/n more than Money right?

"I love you." Taehyung said. Y/n smile.

"Yes I love you too!" Y/n exclaimed. Someone ring the doorbell, Taehyung went to open it and saw man who was holding a huge basket which was filled with all types of gifts and snacks.

"This is for Mrs. Kim." The man said. Y/n and Taehyung looked at each other.

"Really? For me? Who send it?" Y/n looked at the things, it had things she might need in pregnancy, some skincare, vitamins, snacks, and so many other things. It was filled with goodies.

Flowers too. It was a huge bouquet of all types of white flowers. It was a really beautiful bouquet. "Taehyung, is it you? It has been years since you gave me flowers."

Y/n pouted, she found a card with it.

"I got you everything the internet said you might need in pregnancy. You took so much care of me, now it's my turn to do the same. Take care of yourself."

-Kim Namjoon

"Aww, Mr. Kim send this. That is so thoughtful! No man pays such deep attention, all the things are what I was looking for." Y/n said, she put the basket on the table and opened it," Woah, there are so many multivitamins, oh look morning sickness remedies too, I told you to bring some for me. Moisturizer too! He must have told some female staff to prepare this. But he is so cute."

He didn't. Namjoon didn't tell another staff member to prepare the gift for her. He did it himself, he wanted to get more knowledge about pregnancy and what pregnancy women need.

Taehyung stared at her. He quit his job for her and she is happy over the things Namjoon sent.

"Look at maternity clothes! They look so comfortable and big! You didn't bring any for me. He is is thoughtful to send me these." Y/n said while looking at the things. She felt that it was really nice of him.

"Maternity clothes, aren't your Normal clothes already the size of maternity clothes?" Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Y/n smile dropped, Taehyung has never been rude like this before. "Mr. Kim send me bigger maternity clothes, that wasn't in stores."

Taehyung put everything back in the basket. "He doesn't need to interfere in our personal matters. I can buy you all of these myself."

"But you didn't. And he is my old boss, I worked for years. He is just being nice. " She replied.

It was not an expensive gift. Y/n wouldn't have accepted it. But the things in it were actually the things she needed and she found it nice that Namjoon sent such a gift to her during her pregnancy. She didn't find it weird.

"He even send you flowers. He is crossing his limits what does he think about himself?" Taehyung was furious, Namjoon fired him from job and now he was sending Y/n gifts.

"Tae, what happened?" Y/n got worried. Taehyung sighed and hugged.

"Just nothing. Leave it."


Namjoon was having the dinner with his father. They only meet once in a while to have dinner. "You fired your personal secretary?"

His father spoke. Namjoon nodded his head. "Yeah, and you are still keeping eye in my business affairs."

"I am not. I called him for you shedule change. The duaghter of GR groups is getting married, so I want to take time and attend the wedding. What a pity, all good matches for you are either married or getting married." His father sighed.

"Even your young sister got married before you and have a kid. While you have no plans for marriage."

Namjoon avoided marriage and even talking about it. He believes he didn't have time for marriage and wedding. He was happy with his routine.

Also he felt like he was married with Y/n. Until she quit the job and he realized she has a husband.

"I am planning to marry soon." Namjoon said.

His father looked at him shocked. "Really? With whom? When?"

Y/n already knows everything about Namjoon, she knows him more than he even knows himself. And Y/n gives him butterflies, he doesn't remember feeling that way with any other girl.

Namjoon smiled, "Soon, she is perfect to be my life partner."


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