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Chapter 13

Taehyung kissed her stomach again and again and hugged her tightly. "I am so sorry."

"Tae, I told you it's fine. Now stop crying." Y/n said. He has been crying for an hour straight while apologizing to her. He looked at her, maybe he should not do this, He loves Y/n and the child.

Y/n cupped his face and wiped his tears. "What happened? You were stressed, you said you were going through financial problems? Why didn't you share it with me?"

"Nothing, don't worry." Taehyung replied.

"Tell me Taehyung, we can cut down the expensives, I don't want you to not share your problems with me. We are married and it's important for us to talk." Y/n said. Taehyung kissed her forehead.

She cares so much about him. "It's fine now, really don't worry." Taehyung said.

"You are lying." Y/n said. Taehyung thinks Y/n doesn't know him, meanwhile she knows everything and can tell if he is lying or not just by looking at his face.

"No baby," Taehyung kissed her lips. It will be painful to leave her, and more painful to hurt her. But it's not like he's gonna abandon her.

Namjoon will take good care of Y/n, he doesn't need to worry. He will give her everything and treat her like a queen. Better than Taehyung.

Taehyung didn't stop and continued kissing her lips, his hand went under her shirt and he suddenly stopped and pull back,"Sorry,"

They haven't had a*x ever since she got pregnant, in early pregnancy days she was feeling nauseous because of that she avoided it.

Y/n held his face and kissed him again. Taking off his shirt. He caressed her body, she is not skinny, yet when every time he touches her, he can feel blood rushes through her vein and her breath getting uneven.

He took off her dress, and kissed her neck and chest. Namjoon has told him to not be intimate with her. But It's not like he will know.

She moaned as he bit her soft skin, making her hold onto his shoulder. While his hand went down in between her legs, he thrust his finger in her.

"How much do you love me Y/n?" He asked.

"A lot." She replied.

"Fck, I love you so much too, I don't want to leave you." He bit his lips while looking at her face, her expression are so pretty during s*x. He took off his boxer and took his c0ck in his hand. No other woman can turn him on like Y/n does. And he knows he can't love anyone except Y/n.

"Why w-would you leave me?" She asked. She held the bedsheets, as he entered his c0ck in her.

He shook his head. "I can never leave you, fck, you are tight, is it because the baby?"

He held her chin and kissed her lips. He was being careful of how he was touching her and handling her. Making sure that his thrust did not hurt her or the baby.

It was needed, after such a rough argument, they needed this.


Namjoon switches the side of the bed. He couldn't sleep. He looked up at the ceiling. The aloneness is eating him up.

He sits up, and then smiles thinking of Y/n. She will be here soon. He decided to research more about pregnancy, what she should be eating at this time, and how he can help during this time.

He wants to make her fall in love with him. He is sure she will, because he thinks they both are for each other and Taehyung just came in between them unexpectedly. That is why he decided to kick out Taehyung.

He decided to call his sister, he then looked at the time 11:40 pm. It's late, she must be sleeping. As he was about to cut the phone she picked up.

~"Oppa, hi. Is everything fine?" She asked, it's late and she thought Namjoon must be sleeping at this time, so she thought it's an emergency.

"Do you have the number of the interior designer who designed Eunha's room? I need it. I want to design my baby's room." Namjoon said. He heard his sister sighed.

~"Really Oppa? You called at this time for that?" She exclaimed.

"Sorry, I just got excited." Namjoon replied, she chuckled.

~"Really you're gonna be such a cute father. Now who is the girl? When will we meet her?"

"When it will be the right time and when she is comfortable,"

~"Okay, okay, I will send you the number. Eunha just fell asleep, and I will too, before she wakes up again." She said,

"Do you really have to wake up multiple times at night because of the baby?"

~"Jin helps me, so not many times. And Oppa forget about your routine once you have a child, you have to fix your routine according to them." Jiyho said.

"I will make him or her punctal, and follow a proper routine." Namjoon smiled.

~"Yeah, yeah, that is expected from you but it will not be easy. Anyway Oppa, I will talk to you tomorrow. Jin is calling. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He called end. And again he was feeling sad, he looked at his phone and saw Y/n's name. Should he call her?

He shook his head. He should not disturb her at this time. He sighed. "It was so easy in the past, now each second that I pass without you is suffocating and hollow."


After that, they cuddle in the bed. While Taehyung's head was still thinking about his contact with Namjoon.

"Would you ever leave me for money?" He asked.

"Money? I would leave you for free if you didn't stop being rude to me." Y/n replied.

"No, baby I am being serious. If someone offers you millions of dollars just to leave me. Would you accept it?" He asked again.

"Don't tell me your new boss is a female and offering you Money." Y/n was laughing, she thinks it's a joke and stuff like happens in movies.

"No, it's irritating. Don't you think so? People like us have to work hard, while people like Namjoon can offer money to buy someone else's wife and child." Taehyung said. Y/n looked at him confused and shocked.

"What - what do you mean?" She sat up with the blanket wrapped around her chest.

Taehyung sits up too, he messes his head. "I was supposed to keep it a secret, I already signed the contract, oh god Y/n if you tell Namjoon, he will send me to jail."

"What? Slow down Taehyung, what contract?" She was trying to understand the situation.

"I don't know what happened to him, he suddenly called me to his offer and asked me to make a deal with him, he said he will become CEO in exchange if he wants you and our child." Taehyung said.

"Mr. Kim said that? Impossible, I don't think he would ever. And you accepted it?" Y/n was surprised.

"Yes, I mean no, not at that time. I refused it, and he fired me, he purposely gave me things had for me so I accepted the deal. And sign the contract. But now I am regretting it Y/n, I don't want to leave you, but I wanted money too, that was my dream." Taehyung said. Y/n was looking at him disappointed.

She threw the pillow at him. "Just disgusting Taehyung! You are ready to leave me for money!"

"No," Taehyung held her hand. "Don't you think it's unfair, don't you feel mad at Mr. Kim?"

"I do but I feel more mad at you Taehyung!" She exclaimed.

"Y/n don't lie, you like his lifestyle too, don't you? You want to be a part of it too." Taehyung said.

"Yes, but not like this. Taehyung, I fcking love you. I want it with you. I don't care about money if I am not with you. " She replied. Taehyung cupped her face.

"Just listen to me, he thinks he can control us with Money, Y/n. But I want to show him we are not stupid, I have a plan, can you do whatever I say? I promise in the end we will be together and we will be living the life we dreamt of."


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