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Namjoon pushed open the door to their penthouse suite, with a smile on his face. He was waiting for this day to happen, Taehyung ruined his wedding and now he didn't want any more interruptions.

The room was spacious, with large windows framing a panoramic view of the city skyline.

He smiled, anticipating the quiet, intimate evening ahead.

"Y/N?" he called softly, expecting to see her relaxing on the bed or perhaps freshening up in the bathroom. When no response came, his brow furrowed slightly.

He walked over to the bathroom, knocking gently before peeking inside. It was empty, save for the faint scent of Y/N’s favorite perfume lingering in the air.

He checked the balcony next, hoping to find her there, lost in the view. But it too was empty.

A sense of unease began to settle in his chest. Just as he was about to call her, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He glanced at the screen and saw an unknown number. Answering it, he brought the phone to his ear.


"Mr. Kim Namjoon?" a voice on the other end asked.


"This is Officer Park from the local police station. We have your wife, Y/N, here. She came in to bail out Kim Taehyung."

Namjoon's heart sank. Taehyung disrupted their wedding in a drunken rage, leading to Namjoon having him arrested and Y/n went to bail him out except for being with Namjoon on this important day? "I see," he managed to say, his voice tight. "Is she... alright?"

"She’s fine, sir. We just wanted to inform you of the situation."

Namjoon thanked the officer and ended the call, his mind racing.  Why had she gone to bail Taehyung out? The question gnawed at him as he tried to piece together what could have driven her to make such a decision.

He stood up, running a hand through his hair in frustration. He needed to understand, to hear it from her. Grabbing his keys and jacket, Namjoon left the penthouse, the door closing with a soft click behind him.

As he went downstairs to his car the driver ran to him. “If you are here then who dropped Y/n?”

“Sir, she did ask me, but I told her that you haven't ordered me and I can't drop her anywhere without your order. And then she left and took a taxi.” The driver told Namjoon.

“Why didn't you inform me? And how could you let her go alone? You are ridiculous!” He scolded the drived.


Y/n stood outside the small police station, nervously glancing at her watch. She had received the call from Taehyung an hour ago, his voice was shaky and filled with regret. Without hesitation, she had rushed to bail him out. After all, Namjoon was the one who sent him to jail in the first place.

The door creaked open, and Taehyung stepped out, his face was covered in bruises due to the fighting and beating from the security after he interrupted the wedding.

His eyes landed on her. Relief washed over his face, and for a moment, he allowed himself a small smile.

But as he approached, the weight of his guilt silenced any words he might have said. He stopped a few feet away, his gaze dropping to the ground.

"Taehyung," Y/n started softly, taking a  step forward. "Are you okay?"

He nodded, unable to meet her eyes. "Thank you... for coming," he mumbled, barely audible.

Before the awkward silence could stretch any further, Namjoon appeared from behind Y/n.

She looked at Namjoon and was scared for a few seconds as he came here without informing him and on their wedding night. “Mr. Kim, I had to come. Sorry, I didn't inform you.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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