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Chapter 5

Even during the meeting, Namjoon was smiling while staring at his hand.

If he knew Y/n would take off him like that, he would have kept cutting his hand. Just so Y/n would take care of him.

He asked Y/n to help him for a few days. And she did, she would do everything he told her. And he was enjoying it a lot.

She put the tie near the blazer. "Y/n," Namjoon called her. "I can't button my shirt."

She looked at him. She walked In front of him and held his hand. His heart beat was going crazy, he stared at her. She was standing close to him and holding his hand so tightly.

"Is it still hurting?" She asked.

"Huh?" He couldn't see anything else except her eyes.

"Mr. Kim your hand, is it still hurting?" She asked. He realized it now, she was holding her injured hand. "It has been days. I don't think you need a bandage."

Y/n said. True, he doesn't need it. But he just faked the bandage. The cut is already healed. "It is still hurting."

She opened the bandage. "See, you don't need this. Your cut has healed. I think you can button up your shirt on your own now."

No, he wants her to do that. And he wants her to feed him.

"Were you faking it because you were enjoying the baby treatment?" She chuckled. "By the way, I have an appointment this week, so I need a half day tomorrow. I will return at dinner time. But the new housekeeper will come."


His shirt was still unbuttoned, she held it and started buttoning it. "This is the last time I am doing it."

No, he wants her to do this forever. She should be the only one doing it for him.

Namjoon was not happy to see someone else when he came out of the shower. "Who are you?"

"I am Mina. I am your new housekeeper." She smiled and put the coffee on the table.

"Leave." Namjoon coldly said. His day was already ruined. He wants to see Y/n's face only.

He tasted the coffee and put it back. He hated breakfast too. He hated everything, everything because Y/n was not there.

He called Y/n, and she picked up the call. "Good morning Mr. Kim. Is everything fine?"

"No, nothing is fine! I don't like her. She makes awful coffee! I want to drink coffee that you make." He exclaimed.

~"But I use the Espresso machine. She made it that way too."

Coffee tastes better when she is the one to serve him.

"My clothes, she didn't press them properly! She took out the wrong color tie. Now how will I go to the office like this?" He was trying to find an excuse.

~"But I pressed your clothes and put it out for you."

He wants her to help him get ready.

"Food, food sucks. She doesn't know how to cook." Namjoon said.

~"Mr. Kim. I made breakfast. She just serves it. I came early and prepared everything for you before leaving. Why didn't you like the food?" She asked.

Then it's not about how she works.

It's her. Namjoon needs her in his life, or else everything sucks. Without her he can't even survive a day.


"Sit down Taehyung," Namjoon said. Taehyung sat on the chair.

"Yes sir what is it?" Taehyung was thinking what has he done wrong that Namjoon called him to his office and made him sit.

"Is it true you want to become the CEO of this company?" Namjoon asked.

"It's just a dream. I have a long way to go. I am sure we will never be one." Taehyung said. Who doesn't want to be CEO right? Namjoon's father is the chairman of the company.

"Why not? I am leaving my job, dad wants me to be the director. So the CEO position will be empty. Dad asked for suggestions, I thought of you. I decided to offer you first." Namjoon said. Taehyung was shocked. It would be his dream come true.

"Really?" Taehyung asked.

"With that, you will give you my penthouse. Too or if you want anything else you can just ask me." Namjoon said. Taehyung finds it really weird.

"I can't be that easy." Taehyung said.

"Yes, in return, I just want a small thing."

"What is it?" Taehyung asked. Namjoon gave him a contract.

"In return I want Your wife and your child."


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