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Chapter 11

Taehyung sat at his kitchen table, staring at the stack of bills in front of him. His heart felt heavy as he thought about the financial problems that had been plaguing him lately.

His recent job pays him much lower compared to when he was working for Namjoon.

He picked up one of the bills and looked at the amount due. It was more than he had in his bank account at the moment. He felt a wave of panic wash over him. How was he going to pay for all of this?

He either have sell one of his car or change this apartment with a lower way.

Taehyung looked at the time, he doesn't know where Y/n is, she hasn't been picking up his calls. He went and stood at the window, looking outside.

Maybe she went on a walk? Taehyung sighed. Should he tell Y/n about what he is going through? It's stressful.

He then saw Namjoon's car. Taehyung recognize it and he saw Namjoon  gets out of the car and runs to the other side to open her door. And He clenched his fists when he saw Y/n with him.


"It was really fun Mr. Kim."

"Indeed. Take care of yourself, my fake wife." He said. Making Y/n laugh.

"I will, bye." She went inside her apartment building. Namjoon stood there and watched her leave.

As she is stepping away, he could feel emptiness take him out again, he needs Y/n.

He then entered his car again and left. Y/n went inside her apartment and saw Taehyung.

"You are home early." She said with a huge smile. But Taehyung was not happy, he looked upset.

He saw Y/n getting out of Namjoon's car and that pissed him off. "Where were you? And why did he come?"

"He? Mr. Kim. Oh I went out to movies with him." She replied.

And Taehyung was clearly upset. "Here I am struggling to pay the bills because of that man and you went out with him?"

She flinched by the sudden yelling. "What, struggling? Taehyung, why did you tell me?"

"It doesn't matter Y/n,fck do you even love me? Or care about me as much as I do?" Taehyung run his fingers through his hair. "It can't be one sided can it be? You must have been giving him signs. It is a plan to get rid of me? Were you cheating on me? I trust you so much, leaving you with that sick man and you,"

Taehyung kept telling and Y/n was confused. But all she could understand was that he was accusing her of cheating on him with Namjoon.

"What are you saying Taehyung?! You know I have knew Mr. Kim for so long-"

"So? Is it okay for you to go on a date with him when you are married? What is your relationship with him? Is this baby even mine?" He yelled at her. Now he was thinking why Namjoon would even offer such a huge position for Y/n and accept their child.

Y/n slapped his face. "How could you say such things?"

Taehyung clenched his fists, so he decided to leave. Y/n felt bad for slapping him, she did for the time. "Taehyung, I am sorry,"

She walked behind him, as he was leaving the apartment. She tried to touch his shoulder, and stopped him from leaving. But he pushed her hardly and left the apartment.

He closed the door and didn't look back at Y/n, who end up getting hurt by the push. She groaned and hold her stomach. She tried to stand up but it was hurting alot.

Taehyung had already left the apartment. She hold the wall and stood up, she left her phone in the kitchen. She was feeling so much pain, she found her phone.

She tried to call Taehyung, but of course, Taehyung was mad, so he didn't pick up her call.

She decided to call her mom, she closed her eyes in pain, hoping her phone picks up the call. "Mom, please can you c-ome here. I-ts hurting s-o much."

~"Y/n, what happened? Are you okay? I am coming?" She heard Namjoon's voice.

She looked at the caller id, she accidentally called Namjoon. "I am s-sorry, I ac-cidentally called you."

~"You are at home right. I will be there. Don't worry."

Namjoon was still on his way to his house, so he turned the car and came back to Y/n's house. He drove as fast as he could. He was so worried when he heard her crying in the car.

He reached her house, he tried to get in but her apartment was locked, he rang the bell and she couldn't open the door. He decided to break the door. The door was really hard and it couldn't break and Namjoon ended up hurting his arm.

He didn't know what to do, he was panicking and was really worried about Y/n. He decided to go to the building watchman, and asked for his help. He helped Namjoon get in after he explained the situation.

Namjoon was surprised to see her crying on the floor. "Y/n!"

He ran to her, and cupped her face. "Shush, stop crying, please be strong. I am here."

Namjoon took a deep breath, when the doctor said she was fine and the baby was fine.

"Oh god you scared me." Namjoon said he looked at Y/n who was still crying.

"Are you okay? Tell me what happened?" Namjoon asked. She shook her head.

"Nothing, I just slipped and hurt myself." Y/n said. But Namjoon didn't believe her. He knows she is lying.

"You should be more careful, can you imagine if anything had happened to your child?" He asked. Y/n looked at him, she got more worried. "Just rest okay? Are you doing fine? You are not feeling any pain right?"

She shook her head. "The baby is fine right? I can't feel the kicks, are you sure it is fine?"

"Yeah, don't worry. Just rest. I will come back." Namjoon said and left the hospital room, he came out and looked at the video he got.

Namjoon knew something happened, so he called someone and asked from the building CCTV footage and here he got it. From the CCTV footage which was just outside Y/n and Taehyung's apartment, he can see Taehyung pushing Y/n really harshly before leaving the house.


Taehyung cursed as Namjoon hit his face really harshly. "Do you have any fcking idea what you have done? Who would be responsible if anything had happened to her?"

"Why do you even care about her so much? She is my wife, and it was an accident." Taehyung replied.

"Accident? It wasn't an accident. Why are you even with her if you can treat her like she deserves to get treated?" Namjoon asked. Taehyung pushed Namjoon.

"Fck, I can't do it anymore, treat her better then, I am tired. I am tired of fcking loving her so much! And in return she never treated me like average." Taehyung said and it made Namjoon chuckle.

"You treat her average, so of course she will be the same to you, and when did love become like her? You love the person or you don't." Namjoon said.

"Just take her, I can find a better woman, but I want my CEO position. I want to become rich."


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