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Namjoon stands outside Y/N's closed bedroom door. He gently knocks, There's no response. He sighs, worried about her prolonged seclusion.

"Y/N, it's Namjoon. Please come out. You've been in there for hours." He said

Silence lingers in the air, adding to Namjoon's growing unease.

He glances at the untouched food tray on the floor, evidence of Y/N's neglect. "

" You need to eat something. Think about your baby. Please." His voice wavers, a mix of helplessness and concern.

He places his hand on the doorknob, contemplating whether to enter or not. The thought of Y/N in distress tugs at his heart, and he desperately wants to ease her pain. If there was a way he could have taken all her pain away, he would have done that. But he knows he is the one who causes this pain.

"Please, Y/N. Let me in. I'm here for you." He waits for a response. She didn't reply. Causing Namjoon to be more worried.


Taehyung stands at the front of a big table. He wears a nice suit and looks confident. The other people in the room are listening to him, taking in every word he says. They all seem impressed and eager to do what he asks.

He surely was enjoying being the leader, except for an employee.

The room claps, happy and excited. Taehyung feels proud and powerful. He used to be a regular worker like them, but now he's their boss.

As the meeting ended he picked his phone.

~"Where are you? Y/n haven't even talked, what did you do?" Namjoon exclaimed.

"You told me to divorce her." Taehyung replied.

~"Now I am telling you to call her and make sure she is fine. Or take her back."

"What do you mean take her back?" Taehyung asked.

~"I want her, but I don't want her to risk her health to be with me. Right now, she needs love. And I can't show my love to her. I don't want to take stress or be sad."

Namjoon hung up the call, and Taehyung decided to call Y/n. She didn't pick it up first, but after a few rings she did.

"Baby, are you okay?" Taehyung asked.

~"No, I want us. I can't do this anymore." She replied.

"I am with you, baby, it's just you are taking stress because of pregnancy." Taehyung said he talked to her and tried to calm her. And he was able to make her calm after a few minutes. "Namjoon was upset."

~"What else does he want? I already have left our house, you, and what else he wants to ruin? I hate him." She was blaming Namjoon, except for Taehyung. When it was both of them's fault.

Taehyung was silent before he spoke. "Y/n, he likes you. Can you at least make sure he is satisfied with you?"

~"What do you mean?"

"Can you," Taehyung hesitated before saying it. "Can you sleep with him?"

~Y/n couldn't believe what he just said. "Have you gone insane? You want your wife to sleep with another man?"

"Y/n, I know it sounds stupid, but I don't have any other option-"

She hung up the phone.


Y/N sits on a bench, a suitcase by her side, tears streaming down her face. She wipes her eyes, she couldn't believe what Taehyung said. Here she was doing it for him, meanwhile he doesn't care about anything else except money.

Namjoon was shocked when he couldn't find her at home, he looked for her everywhere, calling out her name. He was trying his best to not panic while looking for Y/n,  He spots her on the bench, relief flooding through him, but it's short-lived.

"Y/N! Thank goodness, I've been looking everywhere for you." He said.

Y/N's head snaps up at the sound of Namjoon's voice, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and hurt.

Without a word, she stands up, slapping him. Namjoon's head whips to the side. Even he was not expecting this slap.

"Don't you dare come near me! You and Taehyung, both of you made me feel worthless. I can't stay here anymore." She exclaimed.

Namjoon was taken aback, he lifts a hand to his reddening cheek, his eyes pleading for understanding.

"Y/n, what happened?"

Y/N remains silent, her expression a blend of anger and pain. She turns away, gripping the handle of her suitcase, determined to walk away.

But Namjoon stopped her. "Where are you going huh?"

"It's none of your business." Y/n said.

"It is okay, I need to make sure you are safe, Y/n. And now come with me." Namjoon exclaimed.

"No, leave my hand!" She said, and he did.

"Okay go, where will you go?" He asked. "Your parents are not in the town. You don't have friends. I don't think they will be any good hotels that will be open at this time."

"I will manage." She replied.

"Y/n, If anything happened to you or the baby, I will never be able to get back to my life. So come with me." He held her hand again.

"Why? Do you care? Do you actually love me?" She asked. He was surprised by her question.

"Yes, I love you but Love is not enough. You don't know how each second of my life goes by when you are not with me." He exclaimed, she was silent. He caressed her cheek. "Let's go home please."


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