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Y/N stood by the kitchen counter, carefully chopping vegetables for dinner. The sound of the knife hitting the cutting board filled the cozy kitchen, mixing with the faint hum of a song playing in the background. She was lost in her thoughts, focusing on the task at hand.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind. She smiled, recognizing Namjoon’s familiar embrace. He rested his chin on her shoulder, his breath warm against her neck.

“Are you ready?” he asked softly, his voice filled with an unusual tenderness.

Y/N paused, setting the knife down and turning her head slightly to look at him. “Ready for what?” she asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.

Namjoon took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. “To marry me,” he said, his words both a question and a statement of his deepest desire. “I want to officially propose to you, but I need to know if you’re ready for that step.”

Y/N felt her heart swell with emotion. She turned fully in his arms, looking up into his eyes. “You want to marry me?”

“Yes, what type of question is that? I want to spend my life with you.” He rubbed his nose with her and kissed her cheek. “So are you ready ?

“Yes, Namjoon, I’m ready,” she said with a smile, but then her expression turned contemplative. “But… I’ve been thinking about losing some weight before we get married. I was considering restricting my food intake and workout. Like wait for 1-2 months, I will try to lose as much weight as I can, so I would be an embarrassment to you.”

Namjoon’s expression softened with concern. “Embarrassment? Have you gone insane?”

He gently cupped her face in his hands, looking deeply into her eyes. “Y/N, you’re perfect just the way you are. I don’t want you to risk your health with quick diets. If you want to work out, I’ll support you, but it should be for your well-being, not because you think you need to change your body for me or anyone else.”

His words wrapped around her like a warm blanket, “You are too sweet,” she whispered, hugging him tightly.

Namjoon smiled and kissed the top of her head, feeling a sense of relief. But then Y/N pulled back slightly, a hesitant look on her face.

“There’s something else,” she said, her voice trembling a bit. “Taehyung sent me an email. He wants to see Yeon.”

The shift in Namjoon’s demeanor was immediate. His jaw tightened, and a storm clouded his eyes. “No,” he said firmly. “I will not allow him to see Yeon. He lost that right a long time ago.”

Y/N placed a calming hand on his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. “I understand how you feel, but we need to think. Don't you think Taehyung deserve to meet Yeon once?”

Namjoon’s expression softened slightly, but his resolve remained. “And what’s best for Yeon is to be with us, in a stable and loving environment. I can’t trust Taehyung after everything that’s happened. He left you and the baby.”

“But you told him that. You are at fault too.” She said, And Namjoon's face lost its colors.

“I told him?” He asked. Y/N sighed.

“I know you offered him money.” She said.

“He told you that.” Namjoon was furious. It was part of the contract that Taehyung would not tell Y/n. “You acted like you did know when you knew about it all this time.”

“Yes, I knew a long time ago. He wanted me to help him and lie to you.” She told him.

“He what? And you agree?”

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