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Namjoon woke up, and smiled as he saw Y/n by his side, offering a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, love," he greeted, a smile forming as he took the warm mug.

Y/n said,  "I'm making breakfast for you."

Namjoon, concerned in his eyes, gently suggested, "You know, maybe you shouldn't work so hard. You're pregnant, after all."

A reassuring smile played on Y/n's lips. "I'm fine, Mr. Kim. I like keeping busy."

Heading for a shower, Namjoon discovered his clothes neatly arranged, bed tidied. "You didn't have to do all this," he said.

As Namjoon descended the stairs, he declared, he saw her making breakfast. He stared at her, and smiled. He walked closer to her and hugged her from behind.

"You are everything I wished for." He mumbled. Y/n removed his arm from her waist.

"It's awkward for me." She said, Namjoon smiled and pulled her cheeks.

"Get used to this, honey." He replied, he sat at the dinning as Y/n served him breakfast. "I want to take you to a party tonight."

Y/n, a hint of surprise, questioned, "A party? In this last month of pregnancy? Looking like this?"

Namjoon replied with a smile, "What's wrong? You look even more glowing and I don't mind. I just don't want to leave you alone."

"It's fine, I will be fine at home." Y/n said.

"Y/n, you are coming with me okay," Namjoon took out his card from his pocket, and placed it on the table. "Buy something for yourself and me, driver is here, take him with you, don't drive okay? And take care of yourself."

Namjoon sat across from his father, As they both indulged in their lunch, his father leaned in, curious. "Namjoon, why did you open a label and made Taehyung the CEO?"

Namjoon looked up, meeting his father's gaze. "Because he gave me something invaluable in return."

His father raised an eyebrow, "Is that something Y/n?"

Namjoon chuckled. "Yes,"

His father asked "Why?"

"She is a perfect fit for me. She knows me and I feel a connection with her." Namjoon replied. "Also Taehyung understands the business, and he's more than capable."

His father sighed, "But why treat relationships like business transactions?"

Namjoon paused, contemplating his response. "Life is business, Father. Whether it's personal or professional, we make decisions, form alliances, and negotiate. It's the way of the world."

His father sighed again, "Does she know? It's wrong to do this."

"You wanted me to marry, and I can't seem to find any other fit, and it saved your time too." Namjoon replied.

"What about the child?" His father asked.

"You will get a grandchild in such a short time."

"I want your child Namjoon. Not someone's else." His father said.

"You will, after this, she will give birth to my child. I promise to give you a lot of grandchildren, it's just that only Y/n will be the mother of my children."


Y/n saw Taehyung. Who looked away when he saw Y/n. Are they really strangers now? He doesn't care about her?

Namjoon led Y/n into the party, he placed his arm on her waist and brought her to meet some people. They greeted them and asked who Y/n was. And to her surprise Namjoon introduced her as his fiancée to his colleagues.

She masked her surprise, glancing around the room at the familiar faces that turned to greet them. It dawned on her that everyone here either works with Namjoon or under him.

While Namjoon was introducing her to all the people, she couldn't help but notice Taehyung in the corner of the room. He approached her, pulling her aside for a private conversation.

"Y/n," Taehyung said, wrapping her in a hug, "I've missed you so much."

She pushed him. "Don't, I am so mad at you, first the divorce and then how you tell me to sleep with you, it's really unbelievable, you don't have any respect for me."

"No baby, I love you."

"You don't. I hate you." She exclaimed. Taehyung wrapped his hand around her stomach and kiss her, forehead.

"You don't hate me Y/n, I know you will never hate me." Taehyung said.

She pushed his hand."But I have lost the respect for you and this relationship."

And went back to the party. There she found Namjoon, who noticed she was crying. He cupped her face and wiped her tears. "Don't waste your precious tears on him."

Namjoon gently took her hand, the room hushing as he made a startling announcement.

"Tonight, I transfer my company and property to Y/n," Namjoon declared, eyes locked with hers. The room erupted in shocked whispers, with Taehyung looking surprised, and shocked by the news.

Everyone just cheered and moved on but Taehyung and Y/n didn't.

Y/n, still processing the news, turned to Namjoon. "Why would you do this?" she asked, her voice filled with confusion.

Namjoon smiled warmly, "I wanted to show you how much I love you, to share everything I have with you."

"This is not love. It's like you are just throwing money and trying to buy love. I can't accept all of this." Y/n said.

Namjoon tightened his grip on her hand, "Y/n, I am not trying to buy love. I just want to show all this doesn't matter me, money is nothing for me Infront of you."

"I don't like this. I am not taking it. I don't care of it either." She replied.

"It's not about what you can or can't take, it's about us. I want us to build a future together, share everything. This is my way of saying I'm committed to you. And everything I own is your. I built the company and the property. That is why I am giving it to you, I do have the heritage that dad gave me on my name, so it's really half and half. And I don't mind giving you everything I own either." He said.

"No, just no, I don't want it."


"It was not decided, you gave her the whole company?" Taehyung asked, he was shocked.

"Well, I had decided that. I degraded by offering you money in exchange of her. She owns everything that belongs to me. " Namjoon said. A part of reason was this, and the other one was to proof that while Taehyung could leave her for Money, Namjoon could leave money and everything for her.

Taehyung chuckled. "Wow, it's unbelievable."

"Is it? Listen here now, she owns the company, so she is your boss." Namjoon said.

"Really? That was not planned either." Taehyung said. Namjoon smirked.

"Of course it was. Taehyung."


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