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Chapter 4

This morning there was no coffee for him on the table when he came out of the shower.

Y/n will not come to work today. He gives Taehyung off too, so he can look after Y/n.

Namjoon kept thinking about Y/n. He wants to care for Y/n. He wants to be there for her.

Yesterday Namjoon got bored the whole day, he doesn't cancel his work often. He had nothing to do. He slept for long hours yesterday. So He decided to go to work today. Work will distract him.

He was feeling hungry now, last night he had been drinking on an empty stomach.

He went to the kitchen, and decided to eat something. He opened the fridge. Namjoon is alone only on weekends, and even at that time, Y/n leave cooked meals for him, so he just needs to microwave them.

It's not part of her job to worry about what he eats on weekends, but she knows that Namjoon doesn't like takeouts so she prepares food for him on weekends too.

But today the fridge was empty, there was no cooked meal. Because Y/n thought he would be on a trip.

At first he wanted to call Y/n. Then he stopped.

Namjoon took a deep sigh. "I can cook my own food. I can manage without disturbing Y/n."

How hard can it be? All the ingredients were available, he could combine them and cook something.

He looked if there were any ramens available at home and there were. He doesn't eat ramen much but there is always ramen available in Korean households.

He can cook some ramen, He just needs to cut some ham and veggies, that would be really easy.

He put the pot filled with water on the stove. He read the instructions.

He took out some vegetables and eggs from the fridge, and accidentally one egg fell on the floor. He told himself he will clean it later. Then another did.

He sighed and put the stuff on the kitchen counter. He put some veggies in and picked a knife to cut them.  He put the carrot on the cutting board. He pulled up his sleeves. And started cutting.

He was trying to cut the carrot, but the carrot was not cutting itself. "What? Why is it not cutting?

He was getting late for work now. But this annoying carrot.

The carrot keeps slipping. Then he cut his hand.


Y/n wake up and look at the time on her phone. She panicked. Taehyung hugged her tightly. "Baby sleep, what happened?"

"Tae, I am late for work."

"You are not, Mr. Kim give you a day off, remember." Taehyung said in his sleeping tone.

"Yesterday was a day off, how would he be managing now? There is no cooked food for him in the fridge."

"Baby, he will eat ramen. Why are you worrying about him? Just enjoy and sleep more." Taehyung said he kissed her neck while he was still extremely sleepy.

Y/n thought he could spend one day without her. She hugged Taehyung and smiled. She wants to cuddle him and sleep.

"I am craving ice cream." Y/n said,

"At this time?"

"Yeah, let me go and bring some, then we can spend the whole day in bed." Y/n get up from bed.

Taehyung whined, "Come back fast okay?"

Y/n smiled, she cupped Taehyung's face and kissed his cheek. "Okay."

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