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Chapter 9

"Do it again." Taehyung's seniors throw the files at the table.

"Again? Why? The company president likes my idea, so why do you want me to redo it?" Taehyung asked.

"Don't you hear me? Redo it." He said and left. His senior was being unfair, Taehyung presented the idea for the project, the president of the company liked the idea. Now his senior is mad at Taehyung just because of jealousy.

Taehyung sighed and picked up the file. He had to do more work. He sat on his desk.

"Mr. Choi is doing it on purpose. Are you okay Taehyung? You must be stressed, Mr. Choi treats you so badly I feel bad for you." Mi yeon put her hand on his shoulder. She is in the same department as him. "Do you need help?"

"No, I can manage on my own." He replied. She placed a drink for him.

"I hope this will help. Best of luck." She said and went to her desk. Taehyung looked at her and ever since Taehyung started working here. She has been flirting with him.

She smiled, she was cute. Taehyung then sighed and rolled his eyes. Why are all the pretty girls flirting with him now? Or maybe before he couldn't not notice them or ignore them.

After work Taehyung was going to his car. Mi-Yeon ran to him. "Taehyung, it's really late, and I missed my bus. Can you drop me home?"

Taehyung opened the car door, "Yeah sure."


Namjoon looked in the mirror, he looked at his dimples. They are actually pretty. He cupped his cheek. She likes dimples. She noticed them, and she found dimples attractive. That means, Namjoon is her ideal type but she must be shy.

"What if she was in love with me but I showed no interest so she got married to someone else?" He asked himself.

He looked at himself in the mirror again, "God! Namjoon you are 35! Not 15!"

He sighed and put his head over the mirror. "She does make me feel like I am a teenager."

He heard the doorbell, he went to open the door. Namjoon looked at all the bags Jin was holding. "What? Did Jihyo kick you out of the house?"

"No, she is with me. We are staying over a night and these are just things Eunha might need. Happy birthday bro!" Jin said and hugged him.

"You are late, you both forgot my birthday." Namjoon opened the door, he hugged his sister.

"No, we didn't. It's 11:45 pm. And we brought you cake. We still have 15 minutes to celebrate." Jihyo replied. "And I brought your niece, she came to celebrate your birthday."

Namjoon was not mad, he didn't like birthdays in the first place. He just wanted Y/n to wish him and she did.

They all went inside, and in the living room. They sat to have drinks, Jihyo couldn't drink but they cut cake. 

"Can I hold her?" Namjoon nervously asked.

"Yeah, here." Jin said and picked his daughter to give to Namjoon. Namjoon held her a second.

"No! No! Just leave it." Namjoon exclaimed.

Jihyo fixed his arms. "It's fine, just hold her carefully, make sure you put his hand under her neck."

Namjoon holds her again. He put a little bit of icing on his finger and tried to feed it to Eunha.

"Yah! She is too young to eat cake!" Jin exclaimed.

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