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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story – Beauty of a Rose (by Tayla Drago)

Chapter 2

'Moving on to my favorite Spirit Detective, first season of Yusuke's case – the Four Saint Beasts...Cool!'

So Botan appears in front of both Yusuke and Kuwabara 'since he knows about the demon thing and such to be joining with him', he has a third case to do. And besides low life lizard-like demon spies sneaking around town that Botan can handle alone with her bat, this one is the faith of the world itself. Why? Well, the teenage boys were mind controlled by bugs coming out of their mouths. Gross!!! I hate bugs. Also known as the Makai Insects.

They come from the area of Demon World itself of Ghosts and Apparitions – where lives a group of demons from the legendary Four Saint Beasts wanted to get out of the shield that's imprison them in Maze Castle for so many years of crimes that King Yama had to make; writing a threat to Koenma to get to say about freeing them or they'll release the bugs to cause chaos all over the world for the Makai's to take over human life to create destruction, death, violence, and bloody war for no human can see or hear them going inside their bodies. Only being knocked out or getting the bugs in time with a bug stray from Spirit World that can kill them. Well, also another mission on which Yusuke and Kuwabara must do. The demons have the Makai Whistle that controls the bugs, if it's destroyed, the bugs will die with it. Meaning if Koenma removes the barrier holding the beasts in, they'll give him the whistle. So, the two guys must go in the hole of the barrier inside to the other world for Botan to watch over things and Kayko.

Meaning that a hidden building will take them from Human World to that demon prison-like hell whole. Thanks to Botan and trying to stop some of them as Koenma and Ogre hope for the best while watching, down Kuwabara and Yusuke go into the hole. Well, Botan gives Yusuke another item the Communication Mirror. Though girlie looking, Botan will keep in touch with Yusuke the hero must beat four monsters in Maze Castle itself to save the world. Sounds easy, huh? Well, for two guys can't handle this task alone, so Koenma calls for help from another one...

For it was at Genkai's temple for Ami was settling in from the moving to be training well, plus helping around the place to clean up 'which she doesn't mind doing it at all'. That's where the two girls sense a spirit image in the room for Koenma makes a call to Ami. Looks like he's going to need all the help that Yusuke needs on this case besides Kuwabara aiding him...

"Hello? Genkai? Is anyone home?"

Genkai and Ami see Koenma's hologram image in front of them to talk to.

"Well, well, Koenma, haven't see your face in a very long time."

Seems that they knew each other very well, for Ami treats him with respect than Yusuke does making fun of him a lot.

"There you are, Genkai. Oh! Ami! I'm glad you're here too. Must've been training well."

"Koenma Sir." she smirks. "It's been a while."

"Yes, it has. I've come to ask you a favor, Ami."

"Of course, Koenma, what is it?"

Koenma explains everything to Ami all about the Four Saint Beasts business to her – wanting the entrance into the Human World in exchange for a whistle that will stop the Makai insects from taking over human minds and all that stuff the way I said all about it already. "I'm sending Yusuke and two demons who want to clean their slate. However, I don't think that's enough. Will you go also?"

Ami wanted to help alright to prove her skills more.

"Sure. I could use the entertainment."

"Good. I created a small hole in the barrier around here." Koenma walks to his desk to open a pathway for Ami through a tree stump to go into back at his office. "Here it is."

Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files Love Story - Beauty of a RoseWhere stories live. Discover now